
Why are Burbank cops so strict?

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Im 13 and i got a ticket






    2) Police do not charge anyone.  They issue citations and those people pay the courts, who in turn give the money to the city/county.

    3) Not every person who breaks laws are caught every time.

  2. Well I guess you get to meet the real world sooner than most!  

  3. Be sure to show up for your court date and you must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

    BTW there is NO such rule that the cops, even Burbank police, only give tickets to kids 16 or older.

    The judge will decide the fine, etc.  Not sure what the ticket is for...jaywalking? littering? loitering?  If it is a criminal violation, an attorney will be appointed to represent you free of charge.

  4. Can you give us more info as to why you got the ticket?

  5. Because they are paid to uphold the law.

    Here in CO, the legal age for criminal intent is 10, which means if your are 10 years old, or older and commit a crime then you can and should be held responsible.

    How old do you think you should be before you are held responsible for your actions?

  6. Why are you a douche bag?

  7. What was the ticket for? what were u doing so i can try to understand this

  8. for what?

  9. They're strict because they want you to live to see the rest of your life.

    $550 seems over kill for a minor, but I'm sure that if you were hit by a car or received massive head trauma while not wearing your helmet, the hospitals bills would more than quadruple that amount.

  10. They ticket you because they are paid to uphold the law.  You got a ticket for not wearing a helmet because you are under 16, and when you crash whatever it is you were riding, they don't want to clean your brain up off the sidewalk, asphalt, grass, etc and then go tell your parents you exploded!  

    When you don't have enough sense to look after your own safety, the police look after it for you.  Since they ticketed you for not wearing a helmet, there are obviously helmet laws for children.  It's not that they are strict.  The law is the law.

    Put a helmet on and protect your only get one!

  11. Are you talking about a bicycle because you are too young to drive a motorcycle?

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