
Why are Samoans so big?

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A lot of Samoans seem to be very well built. Tongans likewise (although Fijians seem more gracile). Saying that they eat a lot just begs a further "why" question.

Is there an environmental reason that has caused genetic adaption? Is there a cultural value on being large?

Any insight is appreciated.




  1. They are genetically huge.  I have known Samoans that were capable of beyond superhuman strength.  It is genetic.  Some people like Masai are very tall and can jump 4 feet in the air.  Others are small like pygmies.  

    Perhaps the way they spread has something to do with it.  They may have selected the best to go on open ocean voyages to find new Islands.  From new Islands they spread out in the same way.

  2. (smile) Yes, ct,  many Polynesian peoples are "large and well-built".  But so are many others.  It his hard to generalize here,  but people mostly receive their genetic inheritance from ancestors who were adapted to the environment in which they lived.  Polynesians are peoples who migrated to the vast Pacific over many thousands of years from Asia,  as did Native Americans.  They had to be strong and tough to make those great journeys by sea in small craft and to survive in their new homes.  It could be argued that only the strongest of a community would have made the journey.  Pacific islanders are generally bigger than most other Asian peoples.  This may explain some of the reasons why.  But anthropology is not a true "exact science".  We still have a lot to learn.

  3. Eating is the first instinct after breathing. And we breath ALL the time. Eating is also the first nurturing act we experience out of the womb. Eating elminates physical pain in the stomach and also raises our glucose level, which in turn releases seratonin (hormone that contains dopamine:feel good hormone).Being big or heavy means you must eat more than you work; thus an outward show of the enormity of your resources that you have in your possesion (something like a person who has expensive cars or jewelry or clothes) Since the Samoan society isn't rooted in possesion; it is still a basic human trait to outwardly show that you have a greater survival rate than someone else. Having great access to the basic need of food is a viable asset (like owning a home: which you can always sell and use to get a smaller home and extra provisions)

  4. Samoans are big due to their genetic material makeup. Because they are from the Polynesian Island chain and eat a diet of poi and grain then they are not used to the high fat and protein diet of the United States.

  5. Okay, take it from a Samoan. We just are... No that's not why. LOL! Actually it has to do with genetics. Back in the old days, Samoans didn't have much technology like most of the developed countries. Work was done the old fashion way, pure muscle. We climbed trees to get food, our diet was based on carbs(Not poi! Those would be Hawaiians) and protein: like taro, breadfruit, chicken, fish etc. And we only ate what was necessary. Another big thing was work wasn't done with all the gadgets of the West. We mostly used machete, for just about all of our work. Basically, this is why Polynesians are big.

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