
Why are Tasmanian forester kangaroos endangered?

by Guest57174  |  earlier

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I am trying to do this project and i need some help withe a lot of information about Tasmanian Forester Kangaroo.

Please and Thank You




  1. like anything man is probably taking over its native territory destroying its habitat with bringing in sheep and cattle it can and will bring in disease that the kangaroo may not be able to tolerate

  2. Tasmanian forester kangaroo populations have reduced by about 90% since the 1800s due to hunting for its meat and the loss and fragmentation of habitat due to clearing of land for agricultural expansion. Currently, they compete with other introduced herbivores and livestock. And disease, road deaths, climate change, and poisonous baiting also pose a threat to their survival. The species is protected by law by the Australian government and most of their range is now on private property, enabling the population to grow.

  3. Ranchers and farmers are the biggest threat facing the forester kangaroos of Tasmania.

    While a sub species of the common grey kangaroo )seen in nearly every part of Australia) they are a distinct and unique species in their own right.

    They have been listed as endangered since 1973.  The population has struggled to increase in size since their listing, but some progress is being made.

    Any idiot taking a shot at one now faces serious fines and jail time.

    They tend to prefer open grassland and treeline areas -- the fragmentation of their habitats has also contributed to the decline in numbers over the years.  The three links below are some of the best I was able to find on foresters.

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