
Why are apples better than oranges?

by Guest21485  |  earlier

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Why are apples better than oranges?




  1. Well I like them about the same. I suppose a pro for apples is that they aren't nearly as sticky.

  2. I don't think they are better per se, but I guess some people might consider them to be better because you don't have to peel them, they are more common, and come in various colors! How exciting!

  3. Because apples can be grown in Wisconsin, the best state in the Union.

  4. They aren't.

  5. because they are!!!

    lol, nah i think its because with an apple, all you have to do is bite into it and chomp away, away where as with the orange you're there - for ages if you've ggot no nails - and all the juice is squirting out, n you could get some in your eye - like paddington :)

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