
Why are boys Jerks?????

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Okay my 16 year old boy cousin is a BIG jerk to everyone. Like he thinks that 7th graders should have bf/gf cause everyone in his grade did (except for him) that time. Then he starts accusing me of liking this boy ( who i absolutely hate) then rubs it in my face. Then he also starts making me feel guilty about reading (I'm 12 and my reading lvl is

a collage reading lvl and his is like a 5th grader lvl) like i want to get a new book he says mean stuff like o your just a little nerd i thought you said you don't like spending other peoples money but then you go out a buy a 6 dollar book. When he buys a new psp (with his parents money) when he already has one (he only wants a new one because the back that like covers the battery won't stay shut). He also beats up his little brother for no reason, then tells his brother that hes worthless and won't be anything in life. He so many bad and mean things but he thinks that he's like the best child in the house. He doesn't do anything nice like he eats everything in the house and doesn't save anything for us, he takes our stuff and claims its his, he even takes my laptop and plays on it while I'm playing and if i try to get it back he calls me a Selfish Greedy w***e.




  1. Poison in the cheerios

  2. Boys are like that ,if not,will be girls.

  3. Sounds like this guy has no discipline or self-confidence. I'd really ignore that. He'll grow out of it and apologize.  

  4. Not all boys are jerks.  But that one's a BIG one.

  5. Why are boys such jerk?you said the key word.Boys.he's a boy,not a man,he's immature and ignorant.for him to use that word,that is ignorant,it's ignorant for a full black person to use it,it's an offensive and rude word.i also think he is a punk for beating up his brother,he can't pick on someone his own age so he picks on alittle boy to make himself feel superior and good.and as for your reading level,sweetie,it's people like you who end up in Ivy League colleges,who end up making millions of dollars,who end up having a wife/husband and family.It's people like you who become the boss of people like him.he also seems for him calling you a w***e,tell him he's an immature punk who needs to grow up and stop acting like a b**ch(if you curse)

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