
Why are covenants so important?

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and what is their purpose, who thinks up the rules.




  1. If you mean covenants on property, they are usually to safeguard buildings .  We had one  when we bought a house about 16 years ago and it said you had to keep the front garden as a garden and not pave over it, also you were not allowed to run any business from the property . They usually go back years when land was owned by rich people and when they sold off parts for building homes they made rules you had to abide by. They are there so people cant just do whatever they want and ruin the look of the road they live in.

  2. covenants are an agreement between two people ,pledging an undying commitment to honour the agreement. Failure to honour a covenant may result in dire consequences.

  3. Main Entry:1covenant

    Pronunciation:*k*v-n*nt, *k*-v*-


    Etymology:Middle English, from Middle French, from present participle of covenir to agree, from Latin convenire

    Date:14th century

    1 : a usually formal, solemn, and binding agreement : COMPACT

    2 a : a written agreement or promise usually under seal between two or more parties especially for the performance of some action  b : the common-law action to recover damages for breach of such a contract

      ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€Â“covenantal \*k*-v*-*nan-t*l\  adjective  

    By Webster's Dictionary.

    Main Entry:covenant


    Synonyms  CONTRACT, agreement, bargain, bond, compact, convention, pact, transaction

    By Websters Thesaurus

    A Covenant is and old name for a contract and the rules are make by negotiations with the parties involved.

    Hope that helps.

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