
Why are deer so timid?

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deer dont have any natural predators in britain (or do they????) so why are wild ones so timid?




  1. There is a prime directive in the wild world, yes even the country sides of Britain:  survival.  Evolution has programed deer to run, flight not fight.  This has worked for the deer.  After all humans out number deer on your island by a larger number, yet they continue to survive.  

    Another part of that is your perception.  Deer when forced to can be aggressive toward people.  On the campus of Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, USA, the mother deer began attacking people that were messing with their fawns.  A few people were seriously injured.  So they are not always as you might think they are.

  2. They've had some really bad experiences in the past.

    They really have got some major issues, deer.

  3. There did used to be wolves in Britain, which I'm sure would snap up a deer given the chance.

  4. Defence mechanism

    Makes sure they dont end up like a certain curious cat
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