
Why are energy drinks supposedly bad?

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My friends say that I drink to many energy drinks during the day like Monster, Rockstar, and Red Bull. They also say its really bad for me. I don't see why. I honestly think that its a good thing because I'm constantly full of energy and I can get more stuff done when I do drink them, and when I get a "sugar crash" its usually at night so I sleep like when I'm "supposed" to and then in the morning I'm up and ready. Please try to explain to me why they are "bad."




  1. Sugar is bad in various ways: gain weight, get diabedes, build fat, etc.  Caffeine is bad in various ways....

  2. Energy drinks typically have more sugar than soft drinks and juice.  Plus it's chock full of caffeine and things like guarana which give you a sudden burst of energy then leave you crashing at your desk in the middle of your work day.  Caffeine works by blocking the chemical that makes you naturally drowsy. The chemical, adenosine, is also responsible for dilating the blood vessels. By hiding adenosine, caffeine also causes the brain's blood vessels to constrict.  Once the temporary stimulation wears off, your brain suddenly starts to recognize adenosine and a sudden mental sluggishness hits. Your heart racing is unhealthy unless it occurs naturally and is allowed rest periods. Sleep is affected because the internal effects of caffeine aren't over when the "high" is. It takes up to 12 hours for caffeine to completely vacate your body. As a diuretic, caffeine speeds along your urination cycle, taking calcium with it. Long term, heavy caffeine use could lead to developing osteoporosis.   While the short term side effects of sugar – crashing hours after consumption, increased appetite and the possibility of cavities – are somewhat mild, long term effects are not. Type 2 diabetes has been linked to sugar misuse.  You should try a multivitamin that has ingredients like taurine, B vitamins, and ginseng.

  3. first of all, they have a ton of sugar, which can lead to obesity and tooth decay.

    secondly, they have a lot of caffeine.  you will eventually become tolerant to caffeine and it won't give you the energy that it normally does.

  4. Too much sugar and caffeine.  

    Caffeine is addictive and eventually it loses its 'kick' and you are left with a situation where you can't function without it.  (ie - you will need caffeine just to feel 'normal')  

    Secondly if you consume a lot of sugar over a long period of time it will lead to obesity, increased risk of many diseases (most notably diabetes) and tooth problems.  Sugar has a lot of calories yet almost no nutrients.

  5. Why pay their price?  Just eat a bowl of sugar, right?

  6. too much sugar and too much caffeine, both are bad.

  7. basically they cost so much and do your health not any good by putting too much sugar in the system and blocking the drowsy feeling that tells your body it needs to rest........taste so good though and anything that tastes that good is bad for you as you tend to over indulge !

  8. its bad cuz it has too much sugar and basically, an energy drink is legal cocaine it has the same effect...

  9. My brother says it makes your heart rate go up too fast.And you can get a heart attack or somethin really serious.

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