
Why are feminists so nosey?

by  |  earlier

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please no mooooooooooooore feral apostrophes

kri's i beg you man




  1. I agree with Publius.

    "Feminism" and "man-hating" are not the same thing. Why does everybody think they're the same thing? I'm a man with lots of feminist women friends. They don't hate me. They don't hate men. I hold the door for them all the time. They don't have a problem with it. Feminists may be assertive, but that doesn't mean they hate you. (And if you think it *does* mean they hate you, then--hate to break it to ya, but *you're* the one with the problem. Fraidy.)

    (Update: So you're saying my feminist women friends aren't "modern," then? Most of them are in top-level gender studies departments. Trust me, they're as modern as it gets. And--they still don't hate men. Nice try, though.)

  2. I doubt feminist's are more nosy then other cult's/totalitarian ideologies.

    It is just a case of "the world is wrong and I am right".


  3. I'm not particularly nosey.

    Nor do I hate men. : )

  4. You're just angry because men have had the upper hand for centuries and you can't be a spoiled little boy anymore.

  5. Every one is nosey, some more than others

  6. The reason why feminists are so nosey are as follows.

    Little girls who are emotionally damaged in some way grow up to be feminists.  Some of them were neglected as children, some unloved, some sexually abused etc.  Their main driving force is a need to control to make up for the lack of control when they were abused.  They often (especially when stressed) feel the need to adopt controlling behaviour by seeking power within social relationships.

    Knowledge is power hence their nosey-ness.

  7. What?

    Anyway, I do have one thing to say about feminists.  It's a load of c**p.  I don't care what some woman wants to say to this.  I hate when I hold the door for a woman, or do (or offer to do) something courteous and they say "Oh you think just cause I'm a woman I need you to do that? You think I'm too weak to open a door?"  I don't say anything but sometimes I swear I just wanna say "No, I'm just being nice. Now get in the door before I shove you in."  Women can do everything a man can (well...most things) Yes, it's true.  But there's a line between disrespect, and common courtesy.

  8. THAT is a really good question, I'd never really thought about it.  I think they are so man-angry that they are looking for any miniscule reason to ***** about something.  So they try to pry every little detail out of you looking, hunting really, for something they can hold against you (us).  be strong.  

  9. Women are nosy by nature - so what is your point?

  10. Dear god.

    I hate everyone.

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