
Why are feminists so uptight?

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I read an article earlier that said in england they want to make it a crime to compliment someone or whistle at someone walking by.

"Meanwhile new laws could see wolf-whistling builders placed on the s*x offenders register. The Sexual Offenses Bill will create a new offense of "communicating indecently", punishable by up to 10 years in jail.

The legislation is intended to punish sexual harassment by text, emails and letters, but ministers also aim to include sexually explicit comments to strangers."

And at a university, some females were whistling at male construction workers who where working on campus and the university got mad at the female students. It seems feminists want to make us all asexual.




  1. It's just the ugly ones that are so uptight.

  2. Why do men feel compelled to whistle at a total stranger?  And yelling, "Hey, nice ****" from across the street is hardly a compliment.  How would you feel if a stranger made sexually explicit compliments to your sister, your mother, or your wife?  

    I think the sexual offender registry goes too far, but guys need to know that such behavior isn't acceptable.  And nor are women catcalling attractive construction workers.

    And for the record:  My name's not Baby!

  3. Life is too short to over-emphasize on the little things.

  4. Goofy, you are right

  5. Many feminists are lesbians or very ugly women. I am not trying to be mean or joking. This is a fact. Look at all of the feminist leaders in the US, Gloria Steinem and the attorney general that Clinton had. for example.

    For the most part, feminists are bitter about the hand that life dealt them and they choose to take it out on men who they have no use for and who have no use for them.

  6. Uptight?  Are you really old, or is that word coming back in style?  Taking your life seriously and having self-esteem is NOT being uptight.


    A feminist...  

    I know that's going to offend some feminists out there, but look at what the construction company's spokeswoman said, "We have no registered complaints on this issue. However we do not condone inappropriate behaviour from any parties on our sites."  Meaning, that the construction workers didn't even have a problem with the college girls trying to flirt with them.

    Here's my theory on what happened - I could be wrong, but I doubt it:

    Some girls were making catcalls to a couple of cute construction workers.  Especially, one guy in particular (I imagine).  So, the "cutest" of the sweaty construction workers asked one of them for her number.  

    And, lo behold, a feminist - who is not so attractive looking, and had been overlooked her whole miserable life - turned green from envy.  She reported this to the campus police authorities, in hopes of getting the pretty girls kicked out of school.  Maybe if she does this to enough pretty girls on campus, then the cute construction workers will want HER number?  Who knows?  It doesn't hurt to dream.

    But, as a result, a couple of girls - who meant no one harm, nor did anyone take offense to their actions - were punished because of some spiteful feminist.  For shame, feminist!

  8. What the h**l are you talking about?!

    My god you people are so............. UGH!

  9. Because they think everyone's out to get them.

  10. Wow this country is going down the s*****r... and quick.

  11. Yeah, really. That's really stupid. I hope they don't pass that. I doubt they will though. I'd be the first to be thrown in jail. :]

  12. Geeze ! I think its not Feminists in general,  I think rather the British Feminists.

  13. a lot of feminists place themselves on a moral plane high above others and often believe that they know what's best for all women, moreover they often have a very one sided view when it comes to gender issues and as such support of such legislation by feminists comes at no suprise

  14. I agree with "The legislation is intended to punish sexual harassment by text, emails and letters, but ministers also aim to include sexually EXPLICIT comments to strangers."

    just whistling? maybe a little too much.

  15. You've clearly never been wolf-whistled at. It's not anything hugely traumatizing, but it really makes people (or, at least, many of my friends and me) feel threatened and unsafe. I don't think it's worthy of serious jail time but it's really creepy and often unwarranted.

  16. haha thats a good question...probably because noone takes them seriously

  17. Too much time and affluence on their hands, not enough dishes to wash in them.

  18. it has to do with why the are feminists.  Something happened to make them have something against guys.  so they are uptight.

  19. "It is expected that the law would only apply to persistent offenders."

  20. i think it's a load of **** too! ok i myself don't mind a little bit if attention, one whistle here or there but putting them on the s*x offenders list! come on spend more time looking for real s*x offenders than stupid little things like a wolf-whistel!

    if u ask  me if were all Asexual i know what we would look like, a freaking lizard!

    dumbass feminists ur in toooooo deep!

  21. Nobody should be whistling at or complementing total strangers. It's just plain rude. How would you like it if someone you've never seen before felt that it was all right to make highly personal comments about your body parts?

  22. i think the laws are stupid.

    but you are being sterotypical.

    they could be defensive or feel violated or like they have to prove themselves

    also you/they/both have confused what a feminist is. it's someone who wants equality for women and men and want to be treated the same.

    catcalling is rude and perverted but not illegal or a crime worthy or puishment

  23. I think a lot of sexual harassment laws have been taken too far over the past few years. It should definitely not be a crime to do any of this, but people should have the common sense to keep opinions like this to themselves.

  24. They don't have a good man that loves them and treats them right. Sadly every 'feminist' I know is alone :/

    That's my opinion anyway..

  25. Being as people do not know how to behave I think this is a great idea. lol  Seems as if rude and crude have become the norm.

  26. they are so uptight....they need to relax

  27. wolf whistling is harassment. get over it

  28. idk but thats ludachris.

  29. they just are

  30. Those arent feminists.  Feminists just want equality.  Those women have some kind of sexuality phobia.

  31. Are you saying that you support sexually explicit comments to strangers?

    What are you saying?  Do you make sexually explicit comments to strangers or send unwanted X-rated E-mails to strangers?  Do you sexually harass people?  Are you personally afraid?

    If not, why are you worried.  

    How can you support the things that this law is against.  They are not against compliments.  That is just the tag line to get you to read the article.  They are against vulgar, sexually explicit comments.

    BTW, Internet news can be a complete lie.  Don't believe everything you read.

    Don't think you can fool us with an Internet site that is just a blog masquerading as news.

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