
Why are girls more insecure?

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When guys are the ones who have to ask the girl out.

When at a bar the guys are usually the ones that have to go up to the girls.

And guys get turned down alot more then girls.

Just wondering... =)




  1. Dude,that doesn't mean the girl's more insecure!  I don't ask guys out and I don't go about pickin up on guys either,because I'm more of a classic girl,I like the guy to do all that stuff.I like to be the one courted.It's not about insecurity here,it's about roles,preferences. I don't care to ask guys out or pick up on them. Because,having him ask me out first,tells me that he's clearly into me,same as when I get picked up on.That's a clear assurance to me that he likes me.If I went and did that instead,how the heck shall I know that he actually likes me? Since,most guys don't say "No" much to girls.I hate being left in confusion.So,I let THEM make all the necessary moves,that's my strategy.Anyway,after I noticed them looking at me and staring,I KNOW that they will come and talk to me,it has ALWAYS been like this.This glance I give to them,it's basivly an invite to them to come talk to me(which they get it and they actually proceed so).


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  2. because girls are afraid,

    just because you asked us out doesnt mean your not gonna break up wit hus.

    girls need love and affection

    and look at the role models for girls

    stunning, beautiful, seem so flawless

    can you blame us?

    its hard.

  3. i think thats a question nobody has ever found an answer too.......

  4. Because that's the way things were.  Back in the 50's you'd see the guy ask the girl.  Things stick.  I was always told that guys should put in the effort to get me.  So him asking me out is the effort I require.

  5. That's statistics for you: ask out girls more ofen, and you'll get rejected more often.  Don't ask people out, you won't get rejected.

    Girls like to be romanced, and it's not very romantic when she's chasing you down for a date.  We like to be approached, we like to know that guys find us attractive and want to date us.  Not all girls are like that; I was the one who asked my boyfriend out first.  It worked out well for me, but I could have been rejected just as easily.  But women like to be approached more.

  6. Girls still have the worries i pretty enough for a guy to come up to me? am i worth it? what will he think? Tons of questions go through our head. There's lots of insecurities on both sides when guys try to pick up girls.

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