
Why are guys never ready?

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I am 18 and my husband is 21 we have an 18 month old baby together. A year ago we had a civil wedding. I really want a church wedding since we are both Catholic. My hsuband always says he is not ready, when will he be. I want to feel like a princess and have a white gown on, its a dream of every girl. What is wrong with him, and why doesnt he want to do it? How can I convince him?




  1. for women we have been waiting for this day since we can remember. men they dread this day from when they can remember.

    for men it is giving up freedom, my husband said me said me surender not seddle. thay will never want that big wedding we want. but in time thay do give in. just give him time. he will  

  2. well maybe he just doesnt want the stress on you or him let him no how this is a big dream is

  3. Will sorry to say this, but maybe he is seeing someone else, or maybe is still to early for him to get married.

  4. Men mature about 4 years slower than women do. So even though he is 21, his maturity level is around the age of 18. Most 18 year old men aren't married.

    Also, he is a man. That there speaks volumes when it comes to weddings. They have little interest in this and dont understand the importance of it to women. I say insist on it, set a date and start planning.

    The less planning he is involved in, the easier it may be for both of you.

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