
Why are homeless people like that?

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why do they beg for money standing there everyday even though they have limb and proper body to work?

why dont they just pick the bottles and cans and sell them? at least it's contributory to the environment

why dont they join the army and work for the national security?

what they're doing is inexcusable.




  1. some are just everyday people who got injured, lost their job because they were out too long, and as a result lost everything they had. some of them are army vets who come back to nothing, they either had nothing to start or there wife ran off. others have there own stories.

  2. I feel sorry for them too, but I do agree with you. Most of them are capable of working. For most of them, I think they need to find value in themselves. They have given up on everything. They probably don't even have family they can lean on. It is hard for us to even put ourselves in their situation. I wonder if there is any kind of program that will work with people like this that are down on their luck and help build their self esteem and job skills. Then maybe they would find the confidence they need to go out in the workforce. The people who make me mad are the one's who are just trying to get money to buy booze or drugs. My sister, being the big hearted person she is, saw a woman who had children with her standing on a corner with a sign wanting money for food. My sister wanted to help her, so she went and bought the lady fast food for her and the children and the lady got really mad. She said she needed money. Probably a drug addict. My other sister was confronted by a lady that said she needed milk for her baby. My sister bought her a milk and she took it back in the store to try to return it for cash. People like this make it harder for the one's who really need help to survive. I even watched a program on tv where a guy was bragging about his begging. He said he would park his luxury car around the block and beg for money. He would make $300 or so a day doing this. He also lived in a nice house. Unbelievable.

  3. When you are lazy, it is a negative taste, you simply feel that you have no energy, you feel dull, sleepy, dead, yet, in a state of  non doing you are full of energy.  The mind can deceive you if  rationalize laziness as non doing.  Maybe complacency comes  from a real sense of achievement.  Where is it written that non doing is about laziness?  Sorry this may be deep - but I am have studied Zen.  No ego  intended.

  4. Don't be so judgemental.

    Some individuals get dealt a bad luck card all their lives.

    For instance:

    They are born into poverty

    Don't get a good education

    Get caught in the wrong crowd

    Get into trouble with the police

    Can't get a job

    End up on the street


    Their parents don't want them at an early age

    No-one takes them in

    They have no money as their parents didn't give them any

    They don't go to school

    **** HAPPENS.

    Before you criticise them and judge them, how about you find out why they are where they are.

    And next time you see a homeless person, buy them a coffee instead of turning up your nose.

  5. u stupid they do pick up canz and bottle but not many homeless people do that..they beg money because there hungry and need something

  6. alot of them have psychological problems, or addictions that keep them from surviving in the workplace. currently goodwill and the salvation army are the leaders in trying to end or break the cycle of homelessness and the crippling grief that is these peoples constant companion. please give to these organizations and help break the cycle...................................... years ago i found myself homeless as a single parent of a 3 yr. old girl. the salvation army family center saved us from that nightmare and today my daughter is getting ready to go to high school as an honor roll student and i am the owner of my own company. we are happy, healthy and looking forward to the future, never forgetting the past.

  7. Many people are homeless that chose not to be, to those it could happen to any one of us!

    Many are mentally ill, many are people with  addictions.

    In our now failing economy we may see much more of this,

    Remember, there for the grace of God go anyone of us.

    There may be others that are just scammers.

  8. variables in minds and mindset.

    can't hold a job;

    mentally ill;

    problem with authority;


    lack of education;

    didn't want to study;

    no clues;

    trapped in s*x;

    had a baby but didn't care for the responsibilty;

    like being a wino;

    compulsive gambler;

    sick and no insurance;

    no family or someone to lean on;

    didn't want to impose on a friend;

    no job or lost their job that kept everything afloat;

    no self-esteem;


    felt unwanted at home or unloved;

    raped or child abuse;

    veteran that uses bivouac to escape pressures;

    every one is different and has their own story. Probably a lot of us aren't all that far from living that h**l ourselves

    lot of things

  9. they have nothing else to live for their homeless duh

  10. Really? You should be happy that they`re not smashing your head in. They could if they wanted to.

  11. It's really a sad situation. There are a lot of homeless people that cannot find a job ... they look and try and for some reason, no one will hire them. We have a lot of veterans that are homeless ... they served our country and yet no one will put them to work.

    They may want to pick up bottles and can and sell them ... but being homeless ... there are so many - picking these things up and taking them someplace to sell is a lot harder than you may think - I doubt the homeless have cars to drive to the recycling plant wherever that may be.

    The army does have an age limit ... and some have already served and were honorably discharged.

    What we are doing to some of them is inexcusable - walking by and judging what we don't know - acting as though we don't see them.  I lived and worked in DC and would walk by homeless people everyday.  My heart would go out to them and all I could do was empty whatever change I had in my pocket left over from the metro.

    I would thank the Lord for all the blessings He had given me and try not to cry.  It's really a sad situation.  I am very Blessed to have a home and a loving husband by my side.

    You should thank the Lord for having a home and a computer that you use to judge the homeless people.

  12. I don't think you truely considering the homeless person history. So people were once productive members of society, but experienced a death of a family member or another tragic event cause  them to lose it all, others are mental dis-advantaged, others are physically disabled. They aren't lazy people because living on the streets isn't easy.  But they are people who need help back on to thier feet. I should hope if I'm ever on the street corner begging for some money you would do the same for me, i make a point to help others.

    What would you do in that situation?

    How would you want to be treated?

  13. um they beg for money becuase they are desperate and WANTING to live like you live. many people would give anything or what ever is left they have to be in your shoes and be able to type on the computer and reading our opinions. but instead, they are out there sleeping on concrete with roaches crawling on them. what do you mean WHY they do this? most jobs dont hire people in their condition, their always looked down on and made fun off. if you were in their shoes you wouldnt think its inexcusable. you could have been in their shoes but guess thankfully, youre not.

  14. I hope to god on day you don't ever have to go through anything like that.

    Cause you would quickly change your mind about homeless people..

    some people are not lucky enough to have a nice life, or a mum and dad to live of, or a house to live in..

    Stop being so judgemental.

  15. there are alot of reasons. why they are homeless.

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