
Why are leafs green?

by Guest60087  |  earlier

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Why are leafs green?




  1. Chlorophyll reflects the green light portions from the white light from the sun and our eyes can see that reflect light.

  2. leaves r green because they have cloryphill (hope i spelled that right) cloryphill is green hope this helps?

  3. chlorophyll

  4. Its whats inside the plant...

    Its very simple, plants make their food from sunlight, so they have a "green" liquid in their leafs to turn sunlight into food, the green substance is called Chlorophill.

  5. Leafs are green because of the chlorophyll present in them.chlorophy is a green pigment found in leaves and gives them thier green colour.

  6. Because of the pigment Chlorophyll.

  7. chlorophyll is the green pigment in plants that makes them look green.
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