
Why are most boats painted white?

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Why are most boats painted white?




  1. Not all boats are painted white. Military ships\boats are painted greyish to aviod detection from radars. Commercial or personal boats are painted white so that they can be detected by radars. helps is navigation and white object can reflect light so it can be seen from far and also at night. more over white looks good on boats with strips of blue and green.

  2. Most boats are painted white because they are out in the sun . White boat are not as hot when you get in them, sence there are no doors on the boat, You have to crawl over or in a boat.

  3. White paint reflects heat. Darker colors absorb heat. Sit on a boat painted black or dark color in a bikini or shorts and you'll know why boats are painted white.

  4. Because white boats are the cheapest to mass produce. Also if you've ever laid your arm against the topside of a boat that was a dark color, it gets hot enough to actually burn you.

  5. The obvious answer is not about the white being cooler to the touch, but about the white finish reflecting the heat so that the composite materials don't break down in the heat.

  6. i think there are two reasons - sun, white surfaces are not overheated on the sun and second - on the white surface you can easely find out all leaks and dirt.

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