
Why are my eyes red?

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Lately, every once in awhile my eye gets so red! They both get red, but the right one is usually worse. It hurts for a little while when it first turns red, then the pain subside and it's just red with no pain. It's very strange, theres no discharge or anything, just red. I joke that I look like a mutant from dawn of the dead, my one eye really does.

I've been wearing contacts for about 7 years, I hardly ever wear then longer than 12 hours, and never sleep with them in, I use opti free solution and switch my contacts every 3 weeks or so. I often wear my glasses when my eyes get red like this, but why is this happening? thanks




  1. I get that too, but I don't wear contacts.  I'm not sure what it is, but I think it may something to do with a soap or shampoo, makeup etc. , some kind of allergic reaction.

    I think it was a hair dye I was using.

  2. Ok, if youre like me, then its just alergy season. contacts really shouldnt affect it, unless some dust or pollen manage to get to them brfore you put them in your eyes (which is probably the case) if you find your eyes are itchy and feel dry (or that they seem to dry out faster with your contacts in) then I'm betting its just all the pollen in the air. If my explaination doesnt seem to fit, however, You should probably see your optomatrist.
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