
Why are my eyes so ugly...???

by Guest63260  |  earlier

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Why are my eyes so dark? There isn't one person in my family, this includes cousins, aunts and uncles, and grandparents, who has dark eyes like me. They all have either Bright Green or Bright Blue . My eyes have lots of colors in them if u look up really close. They're hazel (Light Brown, Dark Green, and Light Blue) but unless u get up really close, like invading personal bubble close, they look dark brown or medium brown. It's really wierd cuz of the rest of my family's bright eyes and cuz my eyes ar so big, huge, and wide, like almond shape.

And you'd think since my eyes are so huge that all the bright colors would pop out, but I guess not. I also have the biggest eyes in my family.




  1. as my dad would say, maybe your the milk mans son. But on a serious note, think how unique you are... The only one in the family with those eyes. Good genes Id say !

  2. ive always wanted big dark eyes

  3. Despite your parents, grandparents, etc having light colored eyes, it's a recessive trait and it's the dominate genes from some family member long since dead just happened to show up. If you bred two albino animals, not all the of the babies will be albino. It's the same principle, dominate and recessive genetic traits.  

  4. Are you sure you belong to your family? Blue and Green are recessive traits, 2 blue eyed ppl can not have a brown eyed child, unless there is a mutation. You can have 2 ppl with brown eyes with a hidden (recessive) blue trait that can produce a blue eyed child.

    Sorry for the bad news.

  5. ur adopted

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