
Why are my family so unsupportive?

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when I'm older i want to be a make up artist. nobody in my family agrees with this. they all want me to go on to university and do something in science or geography. because both my older brothers are doing geography they all expect me to do the same.

when i first told then i wanted to be a make-up artist they made me so upset i cried (this went on for about a year and a half). my mum has only just come to terms with it (i told them about two years ago). whenever i bring it up my brother tells me i wont have any money and ill end up living on the streets. i don't bother to talk to my dad because he treats me like c**p anyway.

now i have to choose a college next year nobody will take me to any open days so i don't think i can go because i have no way of getting there.

i have told them that i would rather have little money and love what i do than have lots of money and hate what i do (which is what my dad has). but they dont seem to understand that.

how do i persuade them otherwise??

thankss xoxo




  1. do what you want! but first do some research into this, find out how much you will make in the make up artist preference. and if its decent like 30k+ a year then persuade them that you want to do that, by the way you can also go to uni for body artist did you know? talk to them about that ok. good luck girl :)

  2. Well, what you should do is try explaining to your mum, that you love her, and your not doing this to hurt her. You just want to live your life and peruse a career that really interests you. I agree, about having little money and love. If they won't help, then go for it anyways. Try taking the bus to get to the open houses or try getting a ride from a friend?

    [hopefully i helped]

  3. "i have told them that i would rather have little money "

    I think the problem is that you don't know how little money most MAU make.  So little that you won't even be able to afford proper brushes.  And without proper gears, you can't do the face properly.

    Get a better paid job so that you can buy the necessary equipments and enjoy the art that way.  

  4. why cant you do both, your people are only thinking of the big picture, they don't want you to go threw what they have, get your degree and do your make up artist thing, always have something to fall back on, if things don't work out, don't see it as they don't support you, because for the past however many years they have been, do both, my parents want me to some kind of degree, I want to be a Chef, own a restaurant, there's no reason I cant do both  

  5. Your parents have had like 10 billion years more experience than you.

    You haven't exposed to the world yet.

    I realised this only a couple of years ago.

    I wanted to be in a band, and me and some mates had gotten one together. We won an in-school battle of the bands, and we thought we were rock gods. But we're not.

    My parents helped me see this, and I realised I'd do a much better job to the world if I move on to Uni.

    Which I did. I'm now training to become a doctor.

    If you are, however, that passionate to become a make-up artist, do lots of research to make sure you know what you are getting into.


  6. Pursue business courses as well as cosmotology. That way you can create a career path that eventually allows you to own your own business doing what you love.

    Lots of kids want to be make up artisits, but having management, accounting, legal, financial and marketing skills will put you ahead of the curve.

    Good luck.

  7. You can't always have what you want. You will earn not much money. You will work a job you like, but get such little money that you will star not to like it. I searched the internet and found that you earn about 15-20$ per hour. so if that is enough for you then go for it.

  8. Well since so many people are chasing the same dream they think it would be difficult to get work in that in that area

    How to persuade them??? Idk

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