
Why are my parents so overprotective?

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well I'm the youngest

but i do have 2 older brothers (10 & 13 years older than me)

& i remember when i was a little kid and they were teenagers

they could leave the house walk around the street and do whatever

but now that i am a teenager and they are adults i can't walk around the block , i can only stay on my block.

this doesn't make since i'm 15 for goodness sake

my parents won't let me go to parties or go into someones house unless they meet the parents.

for some reason they are stuck on the fact that if they let me walk off the block someone will kidnap me.

i don't even live in a bad area it's really nice where i live

it's not fair they don't treat me the same

& my older brothers are protective of me to ugh


what can i do?

i miss out on so much fun with my friends




  1. Sounds like my parents. :(

  2. They have become wiser as you have aged and you are a girl and parents tend to be more protective over their daughters. Enjoy it and don't feel bad. The day will come when you will miss that love and protection. Besides, there is more danger in our neighborhoods now adays.

  3. im sorry. but to your parents your still "their little baby girl" and they are afraid something bad will happen to you if you go to parties. like have unprotected s*x and get pregnant (which seems to be happening to A LOT of girls lately). im not sure there is much you can do except wait until you are 18 cuz then you can tell them "I AM LEGALLY AN ADULT! TREAT ME LIKE ONE!"  

  4. there overprotective because we live in such a S****y world today that anything can happen at any time, but just go out and do what you want and tell them you'll ring them every now nd then to tell them your ok just rebel against your parents

  5. Be thankful that you have loving parents who don't want to see harm fall upon their youngest child.  There are too many parents who are crackhead wh0res out there who couldn't care what their children are doing, or more importantly what is happening to their children.  All too often, these drug addict moms will bring their crackhead boyfriends into the house, who will rape the young daughters, and the mothers don't even care.  they jus wanna know where their next hit is coming from.  

    Your parents don't want anything bad to happen.  Granted, they cannot protect you forever, but they sure as heck might try.  No parent wants to see their child struggle, or be hurt.  It might be tough for you now, but when you become a parent yourself, you too will understand that danger lurks around every corner.  

  6. Im 14 but my mother lets me do anythinq.

    but leave the neighborhood. lOL.

    Its probably the same with every parent.

    But it doesn't matter what kind of place you live you never know...

  7. Because you are a girl (their only daughter apparently) and it's easy for people to harm you or get you to do stuff that are not good for you. They are afraid a lot of things are going to happen to you (pregnancy most of all) and they apparently don't trust you to do good choices yet. So don't get angry, talk to them, tell them you can make responsible choices and you know better than not hanging around with bad people, hopefully you will get their confidence if you are mature enough for your age. :)

  8. It is because you are a young lady and men prey on you.It was different a few 1o yrs ago,The world was a Bit safer to go where you wanted.I have a 16 yer old Daughter and we have to meet her friends parents and know where they live and there address and Phone #.This world is a wicked place and your parents seem to love you and want to keep you safe.

  9. you know what, i've been going through the same thing.

    my sisters 11 years older than me and my brothers 13 years older, and now they live in another state so i'm like an only child.

    i'm not allowed to go out after dark and if i ever change where i'm going i HAVE to call them.

    i think it's mostly because when your brothers were growing up, they had eachother to hang out with. and now it's just you. you have nobody that your parents can FULLY trust.

    honestly, i don't know what you can do. but i'm pretty sure that's why.

  10. That's not being overprotective, that's being a parent.

  11. i was treated the same. what i did was find a job bussing tables, saved up money, bought my own car, and moved out. it was a terrible idea, i now realoize that my mom was only protecting me, we only get one chance to be so innocent and life is long, u will have plenty of time for fun, if u just listen to your parents. just remember what they r thinking, its not about what might happen, its about what does happen to young girls like u.

  12. Well first off, times were different when they were teenagers. Now the worlds going crazy! Second, they're boys. They can defend themselves and are less likely to be kidnapped, etc. You're a girl so your parents are just being protective of you. As you get older things will change and you'll be allowed to do more. There's not much you can do except talk to them. Tell them how you feel and negotiate. Good luck

  13. idk what to tell you sorry

  14. b/c they love u

  15. well my parents wernt that strict, but i wasnt allowed to do what my older brothers done at that age either.

    My mum was honest tho, its becuase im a girl

    sexist i know, but its becuase your parents dont want anything bad to happen to you!

    and girls can be a bit more nieve than boys.

    Just leave it for a bit, there boundries will get stretched as you get older.

    Trust is a HUGE thing to, once you lose your parents trust...then you pretty much stufed lol.

    good luck anyway!

    and just remember they care about you

  16. they obviously don't trust you. did you ever drink beer or something because that might be why.

  17. They care about you, thats why they are so over protective!

  18. You're lucky your parents care about you. They could just say "s***w you, kid" and ignore you. Then if you had an accident while out somewhere (you're not invincible, accidents can happen to you) and you were lying in the hospital you'd want your parents to come looking for you. Your parents are right to worry about you being kidnapped. I'm an adult woman and I have to constantly be aware of my surroundings, ready for anything when I'm walking alone in a parking lot or down the sidewalk. It's not just because you're young, it's because there are dangers surrounding everyone and you have to constantly be on defense, ready to do anything it takes to survive in any situation. You're not really missing out on that much fun with your friends that you can't do when you're 18. You just have to wait, like a lot of other kids.

  19. The crime rate is higher now,and to let you go to someone's house without knowing the parents is insane after seeing how many teen girls goes to their friends houses so their trailer park trash mothers can get them liquored up and doing things they shouldn't be doing.

  20. The world is a much different place than it was when your brothers were your age.  Also, they are boys and despite all that we try to portray with the capabilities of women, the fact remains that they are targeted for violent crimes more so than men (ie rape, muggings, kidnpping and so on).  AND the one commonality among them?  They thought it could never happen to them.

    I dont think that OVERprotective is the right word choice here (it may have been 15 years ago).  The term that you want to use is regular, plain old protective.  Sweetie, there are people who would sooner snatch you, transport you to the other side of the globe and sell you to some man who will do God-knows-what to you until one of you dies.

    Should you live in fear? No.  But you should be wise and recognize that your parents have your best interest and safety at heart.  

  21. Mine are the same exact way!

    I think it is because everyday the world becomes

    less and less safe and they only want to protect us.

    Haha, and maybe because with boys, they dont have

    to protect them from all the teenage boys and their crazy hormones.

  22. Because someone is waiting to rape you around every corner.

  23. I know exactly how you feel. I have 2 older brothers a younger sister and 2 younger brothers. My 2 younger brothers are 14 and 17 and my parents give them more freedom to do whatever they please. I however am 23 yrs old but when i was their age i wasnt allowed to go anywhere.

    The reason for this is because my parents think just because im a female i wouldnt be able to handle myself if i was ever in a confronting situation. Being boys they can take care of themselves. Besides being 15 you are in that stage where you want to experiment life. Youre parents are only trying to protect you because there are some freaky people out there trust me and it doesnt matter what area you live in. Like you i live in a nice area but my brothers friend was jumped just because he's rich. They took his shoes his wallet. Disgusting behaviour but thats life

  24. I got the same issue, I suggest you just try to earn their trust with little things. Now my parents let me go to 7 eleven alone. I earned their trust by walking home from school fine. just go little by little. Walk home from school first. Once they see nothing happens go bigger, and bigger until your parents aren't as overprotective.

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