
Why are people.....?

by Guest56694  |  earlier

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Why are people so mean?

I have a neighbor who reported me to my landlord for having a dog over at my apt. My niece has a 7 month old puppy and she brought it by my place and visited for a bit. The puppy is adorable!

This b*tch told the landlord that I had a dog over my place all day and that it was UNTRUE! Anyways, her kid went running up to the dog and as any puppy will do, wanted to play w/the child and "nipped" her. There was no mark, no crying and the child kept going back to play w/the puppy. Now the landlord is mad at me and says if anything happens, it will be on me.

Did I fail to mention this kid, age 3, ran out of her house at 10 p.m. to see the dog. I never heard the mother once call for her to come in. Or even come to the door to see what was going on. Why is a kid outside at 10 p.m.? This happened on a Saturday nite and I got the call on Monday. Why did she wait? Why didn't she come and talk to me? Why doesn't the landlord find out both sides of the story before lashing out? This person is not a reputable being and is nothing but a trouble maker. Not to mention the most unfit mother I have ever met. Her house is so digusting that I wouldn't let an animal in there little less children. She constantly screams at this child like she's an adult. This woman needs to have a lesson taught to her.

My question: should I retaliate? I am not a vengeful person per say but I am pissed off at her! What should I do? Maybe call the state on her to let them know how digustingly unfit this ghetto b*tch is? Please, some help to help me get over this. I am so untrusting of my neighbors now........THANKS!




  1. Revenge is a dish best served cold. /

  2. Retaliate, but be very careful, because that would ruin you if someone found out.

  3. 1, you need to calm the F DOWN! #2, the dog was/is  your responsibility since it was at YOUR house. YOU allowed the dog into your home, therefore taking responsibility for it. #3 Leave that woman ALONE!!! See if the kid is okay, apologize, and take this as a lesson learned. Don't have people or things over to your place if you don't want to be held accountable for their actions. OH, also..... GROW UP!

  4. first thought: some people are just pathologically afraid of dogs. she is probably one of those people.

    second thought: if you think there is legitimate reason to call the state on her you should do it, but not as revenge. dont do it now out of anger. think about it and make the decision rationally.
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