
Why are people so mean????? GRRR!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Today i received some txt messages that said some pretty harsh stuff but i just blew it off.

But it has really started to dig at me.

Just some Ex.-

"You can't wear a two piece because you are to fat!!"


"At least i don't s***w every guy that passes by."

"Your a sl*t."

"So are you keeping the baby?"

(i'm not pregnet!)

And its just really digging at me.

p.s- I am 13. i weigh 126. I am 5foot 6inches.

Why would someone be so mean to say something like that.?




  1. they are jealous

  2. That's horrible! Text him back!

  3. i'd just text him "get over it!" if you dumped him

  4. he's just jealous, and trying to hurt your feelings. oh yeah, and you're not fat.  

  5. He's probably really mad, and thinks this is the way to get you mad too.

  6. they just want to hurt you

    idk why

    probably pms


    dont listen to them

    for 5'6 126 is a great weight

    dont say anything back

  7. Wow thats pretty mean that person must have a low self-esteem don't feel bad they are probably jealous of you.

  8. likely because they are jealous of you for some reason.

    if you get any more texts from this person, don't read them, just delete them.  

    letting other people control our emotions isn't healthy.  ignore it.

  9. Some people are just so immature. I would prob sent them some nasty words back but am gonna advice you to ignore it cuz their not worth your time and their losers who have no life

  10. He is mad . if it continues and get worse ask your parents to get your cell number changed.  

  11. one word...HATERS!!!  

  12. You don't sound fat.Some people just like to get your goat hon.Ignore them.In fact your sound fairly slim.

  13. I don't think this person is mad! I think this person is REALLY JEALOUS!!!! The best way to deal with that kind of people is to keep it calm and try to tease them and take everything they say as a joke! That will p**s them off  and you will get a revenged and satisfaction!

  14. because when ppl are jerks to other ppl, its makes them feel better about themselves. i would text him back and say "at least I dont have every STD in the book. but thats just me, i would mess with him back. or you can ignore him, and block his number and dont let him know it bothers you, thats what he wants. but get used to it, people are harsh, thats just life. or if you really want, tell him someone close to you is a lawyer and he's on grounds of harrasment and they are documenting all of his texts and they're on file so to keep it up.  

  15. Change your cell number...maybe that will work...but i think you may be able to have him arrested for harassment? i'm not sure but maybe bullying? That would def be considered bullying he could go to jail just tell him if he text you again you will call the cops.

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