
Why are people so serious?

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Went to the biggest mall in America and never saw not even one person smile. I also felt malnutritioned.




  1. Smiles are contagious - start one and see how it spreads

  2. I don't know, that would bug me too.  Some days it seems nobody smiles, and it always kind of brings me down.

  3. life is serious

  4. Our economy has been really tough on everyone...everyone more than likely is on a mission to buy something on sale or just disgusted with the'd be sad too if you can't afford to buy some things for your kids.  Re your feeling malnutritioned, did you know that most people that can't afford to grocery shop tends to go to a fastfood joint for nutrition?  Ergo, obesity...sad, isn't it...only hope our economy will get better soon...most Americans right now are losing their homes too.  Hope this gives you something to think about...

  5. By your question i can tell your innocence. This is a simple and very difficult question at the same time. Stress is why people are so serious. When you young and innocent everything seems so grand and there are no worries because there is someone there to take care of you. When you get older life starts to get stressful especially if you have kids that depend and rely on you. Our society is set up to breed stress. Stress = Serious  :( To overcome stress is to overcome lifes many problems Money is a good way to melt away alot of stress. But no matter how rich you get you can never escape social stress. Money cant buy happiness but it sure relieves stress.

  6. They have so much crappy food at the Mall of America. Junk food effects your moods. Therefore, people at the Mall of America are pissy, fat, and have no sense of humor.

  7. For now keep smiling at people, some will smile back. I try to smile and say thanks for even little things, I think it improves the world. Some days it's hard to find even a tiny "good thing" someone did though.

    My worse fear is that eventually, there will not be a decent soul left and there will be no reason for me to smile either :(

    Join Random Acts Of Kindness and do good turns instead. I love that, it's good for the soul.

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