
Why are people such hypocryts??

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lately ive noticed my friends and family shouting at me and having a go at me for things that they do themselves! for example my best friend now isnt talking to me because i canceled plans with her....she does it alllll the time to me!! my dad shouts at me for moaning when i have to do dishes...yet he does it alllll the time!! how can people not see it?why do people only find faults in others not themselves!? i know im not perfect but i would never judge someone else for acting the same way!




  1. I attempt to be myself--an individualist without apology.

    Anglican who seldom is seen near a church--I drive near mine and the roof sags.

    I value people, advocate for animals, and look for the best in others, if there is any hope at all.

    A Cheeky, polished, and grand lad who thinks being a bit daft is perfectly normal.

    If that makes me a Hippogryph (Hippogryphe) then I shall remain a great beast. ,  

  2. People aren't perfect and they're creatures of habit. Sometimes people don't realize they're being hypocritical...other times they don't care. Sometimes I'm hypocritical but I try to be consistent with my words and actions. Perhaps you could gently inform the people who are being hypocrites of their actions (like constructive criticism).  

  3. cos you are damned if you do and damned if you dont. easy to pick up on others and their flaws especially when they are like a mirror image of their own .

  4. People are just that way. A lot of people are very selfish and can only see what benefits them. Some people are very considerate as yourself and want to please others and do what makes them happy. My advice don't take it so personal you will be better off in the long run. As long as what you do is for a good reason and not to just "get back" at someone then don't worry about it. Keep being your nice considerate self.

  5. sounds like your best friend really isn't your bff,soooo in general people suck.

  6. Dawn, you just called everyone "hypocryts." And you don't judge? I think this is a prevailing attitude lately. Anyone who does something I don't like is a hypocrite. So what if your best friend chooses to stop talking, or your parents shout at you? I know it makes you sad, but this is the way of the world. People treat each other as though no one else has any value but them. Instead of writing to the list, why not call your best friend and talk to her about what's been happening in your relationship. Explain what your reasons were for changing your plans with her. Be civil. Don't resort to name calling. You are hurt and you're looking for a way to make it easier on yourself by blaming others. They may be wrong, but where is this attitude getting you?  Only YOU can teach people how to treat you. If you allow them to have a go at you, they will do it again. Tell your friend that she has made you feel unhappy and you want things back to normal. These fights don't usually last too long. Hope your life gets straightened out.  

  7. Everyone is out to prove themselves as smart or intelligent or all-knowing. In this endeavor, they forget how they acted in the past or they put you to a different standard because you are young or you are a girl or you live in a low-class town. It's all part of the human condition of class. People must behave certain ways in terms of their class and if they dont, well thats just wrong. Sarcasm aside, I want to go on a hypocrite killing spree. Want to join me?  

  8. It's pretty much human nature for parents to get upset with their children for doing the exact same thing they themselves do (where do we think the kids learned the behavior?), but it's normal. It's life and we all complain about it, but it does seem to get better as we get older. The same applies to your friend. When she's 50 she'll realize how silly she behaved when she got angry at you for doing something she had done many times.

    Sometimes I think we are more angry with ourselves than the other person when we get upset over petty things like this. We see ourselves and expect better out of our friends or children.

  9. They probably never realize they're doing the exact same things they yell at you for.

    I think you should talk to them and let them know you don't appreciate being punished for things they do themselves. Give a few examples if you can. If they argue or refuse to listen, don't walk away leaving you both angry, just say, "I'm sorry you don't agree with me. Just keep thinking about it, please?"

    Talk to somebody you know who doesn't yell, and ask them for help.

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