
Why are people talking like this?

by  |  earlier

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We all know about this, Stephen Fry has bemoaned it's Phenomenal impact in the UK.

It's people, placing a questioning intonation at the end of every sentence. To wit;

"I'm going to the shop to buy some Fair Trade Coffee Beans?"

"I went to an Exhibition highlighting the horrors of Catholic Rule in 18th Century Spain ?"

"I'm off to listen to a droning Monologue by a limp wristed Liberalist wearing an Ethnic Hat and beads in a pokey Cafe for two hours?"

Get what I'm saying?

Is it going to STOP?




  1. I also do this , but only when the wife is around.

    I try to start with a strong statement about what I want to do, how ever when I feel her eyes piercing the back of my scull, I quickly change it into a question to keep the flames from shooting out of her eyes.

    it's for the better of man kind ....I hope you understand.

  2. Its either they're really influenced by Stephen Frys charm or intelligence.

    He speaks alot of sense and that's what made people change the way they speak.

    To be honest, I think it's good. You don't want people going on like this: 'alrite bl00dz, juuz ch1lLin, u man?'

    Would you rather sound sophisticated or talk a whole load of nonsense?

  3. There is a newsreader on Magic FM who does that and it really grates with me. I think it's because it's not what I expect and the sentences become confusing. I think it's horrible.

  4. The solution is to interrupt the vile personage in the middle of their sentence, thus preventing the rising intonation at the end.

    This might be achieved by means of a cane strategically inserted in to a delicate o*****e.

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