
Why are some people shy?

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How can a shy person overcome his or her shyness?




  1. alcohol is a good way:P but sometimes it can make you embaress yourself so you have to watch how much you drink. and if you just smile alot it make you more approachable for other people, so theyl be starting converstaion first and then you just.. go with the flow :P x

  2. There are many things that go into a person becoming shy. Nature is one. Nurture is also a big part as well as peer experiences.

    People are sometimes given a bad hand from the deck by life and find themselves in a socially adverse situation. To truly overcome the anxiety one feels in social situations, people need to identify what exactly is holding them back and why.

    Usually it is a belief system in effect that is distorting their world view, but sometimes it is an actually attack from the outside on a person.

    In either case, its important to know one simple rule: No One Is Any Better Than You Are. They might have more money. They might have been given a prettier face. They might have any other number of attributes that are great...but intrinsically, they are just a person just like you are. They go to the bathroom the same way, they get hungry the same way, they get sick...etc.

    Another secret: You Are Needed.

    You are probably a very caring and compassionate person as most sensitive people are. Sensitivity in a harsh world breeds shyness. But there is the fact that your kindness and friendship are disparately needed by someone else in this hard world. You must not let your fear of being hurt overcome that obligation. Someone or many someones need you...they need your kindness and they need your friendship. You must have the courage to be that friend, even if it isn't accepted or appreciated at first.

    To be a good and loving person in this world is to be a hero.

    Defend yourself from those that would hurt you, but do not withdraw yourself from the world to do so. That is a loss to all, not just to yourself.

  3. get drunk. seriously im pretty shy, i got a little drunk at a party last night and instead of not talking to any girls the whole night, i ended up talking to girls the whole night, having a lot of fun, and they all hugged me goodbye at the end

  4. People are shy because usually they are very self concious. This is my case. I am a very shy person and that is my reason. I feel like people are always going to judge what i have to say or i just dont do or say it. It definitely is possible to overcome this. Ive been working at it this past summer and it has worked. I was at camp and i was a whole new person. I dont know what happened but i was able to talk and be myself and i really wasnt self concious. It was an amazing feeling not thinking that everyone is going to judge your every move. It's definitely possible to overcome shyness.

  5. its a mother of nature,

  6. liquid courage


  7. Try playing the game dare(smile).

  8. because they know the world is cruel and unusual punishment - also, they are straddling the fence between good and evil

  9. some people like me are shy because they don't know what to say to talk to people and are sometimes self conscious

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