
Why are some people so STUPID!!!!?

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I was just reading a question posted by a guy that thought he was g*y. Some STUPID person wrote back and said that they feel sorry for his parents and basically that g*y people should not be allowed to be!!!! Are some people so DUMB that they are still living in neanderthal times?" What do you think?




  1. Hatred exists.  It sucks and the world would be a better place without it.

    However, one must remember that 'they' have the right to hate g**s just as much as we have the right to be g*y.

  2. It's not his fault he was born stupid.

  3. They weren't given enough hugs when they were young, that's why they hate so much :(

  4. sorry I use that word alotta times to describe ppl and their ignorance. the fact that he said that is just like saying thier shouldn;t be aloud to have ppl with blond hair.

    please anser my question;...

  5. No some people are so dumb they still believe what the bible tells them

  6. What I find really interesting is that many g*y people do not reveal that they are g*y to the general public.  So most people do not know they are g*y. I have heard that up to 10% of the population is g*y.  So people who express these type of feelings probably go to school with or work with g*y people without realizing it.  Probably, some of their best friends are g*y.  They hate the idea of g*y people but not individuals (until they find out that they are g*y).  

    I think their reactions say a lot more about them than it does about g*y people.

  7. I think people who really think that way, Want nothing to do with guy people and are for sure not going to get on yahoo answers and go into the g*y And Les part,

    So people who say that kinda stuff on here just like to get off buy saying rude things too people on here

  8. That's life.... what took you so long, m'friend?

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