
Why are some people so? ?

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Why are some people so rude, ignorant, uncouth, and mad?

I’m a Capt for a large airline corporation. I try to great my guest’s as time permits me to. I’m a wonderful friendly person.

Well, I was greeting my passengers as they boarded on the aircraft on yesterdays flight, I said to 1 of the passengers “Enjoy your flight”. He just flicked me the bird. So, as per 1 of my job requirements, I have to confront people that seem or give trouble. I asked him “Do you have a problem? Are you going to be a problem on this flight”? His reply was “I just want to be left alone”. I told him, “Look, you need to get a hold of your self, or you’ll be removed from this flight”.

Anyway, everything turned out fine.

I just wanted to know what is it with people today?




  1. he was probably having a horible day

  2. Air travel is one of the most aggravating ordeals people deal with these days. The only real challenger to the title would be the DMV.

    Asking him is he's "going to be a problem" probably isn't a good idea at that point. Most people just want to be left alone.

  3. okay, so some people aren't.. all that friendly because of REAONS.

    like.. say that person just went through something totally horrible.

    =/ &he just wanted to be left alone to think.

    I mean i kno you were being nice to him but if you went through something bad, wouldn't you just wanna be left alone and not be bothered by someone who was being a little to nice.

    i mean i kno that is your personallity but maybe that person wasn't feeelin it on that day.

    Not everyone is happy and amazeingly awsome all the time.

    but i do kjno where your getting at.


    hope i helped.

  4. "Why are some people so rude, ignorant, uncouth, and mad? "

    "I’m a wonderful friendly person. "

    that may be your trouble right there,you have a high opinion of yourself and a low one of others. that attitude is probably embedded in your tone and gestures as well,even if unintentionally.

    and yes some people do just want to be left alone.

  5. i know exactley what you mean , like why cant they just all be happy .

    they are making life miserable , you only have one life why not make it goood .

  6. It's how a lot of people are these days. I hate it, because I too and friendly. I smile a lot and greet people and am very polite, but sooo many people are incredibly rude. I dont know why, because I get such joy from being so friendly and just being happy! Kudos to you for being so, too. :) Keep it up!  

  7. Who knows what this guys problem was, but he had no right to throw it on to you too.  He could have had a real bad day from the get go, could be bi-polar, He could have an anger problem for what reason, again, who knows.  Like I say he has no right to spread doom and gloom across the planet just because he hates himself  My hat is off to you for keeping your cool in that situation and good for you to confront him for his horrible manners.  I hope that most of your passengers are better than him.  


  9. idk but ppl r rude these days i realized it too but umm mayb he was havin a bad dayy thats all and wanted to b left alone for awhile one of those ppl who take there anger out on ppl

  10. many people are just rude, depressed or they just like to see people mad or sad.

  11. They don't know how to express themselves.  And they do it in the wrong way. Just because they are mad at something or someone, it leads them to take their anger out on random people... which shows itself in the rude gestures such as this. It's their way of releasing some of the anger inside of them.

    Which is no excuse, just my observation.

  12. This is my personal opinion so you can take it for what it's worth.  (Opinions are like a**holes, every body's got one)

    I feel as though it starts at home and at a young age.  At least in the U.S. at any rate.  A lot of parents are either afraid, to lazy, or to busy to properly discipline their children.  Therefore they have a reduced sense of empathy for other people, or respect for others.

    This is only a probable cause and may not be the only contributing factor.  It is most likely much more complex than that.

    I agree with you that people in general should think more kindly of their fellow man and extend common courtesy that is so apparently demanded by them themselves.

    I for one choose to be the nice guy!  Even in the overwhelming onslaught of unmitigated a**holes in the world today.  Sorry that sounded really cynical didn't it.  I actually try to think the best of people and give them the benefit of the doubt.  Just keep smiling, there are people out there that do appreciate a cheery disposition.

    Edit:  Reading the posts I thought of something.  Everybody should work a fast food job either in high school or just after to get a dose of how you should treat people by being on the receiving end of most complaining, rude bunch of people on the face of the planet...CUSTOMERS! LOL!  I know it helped me get a new perspective of how to treat people.  Not that I was rude before, but you just shouldn't p*** off the person preparing your food...OR FLYING YOUR PLANE!  Shheeeesh!

  13. ugh i know, i ask a simple and nice question and people on here give me some really rude answers its like wtf if you are going to be a jerk dont answer

  14. Sometimes you just gotta be mean too.

  15. People have been the same, people have never changed. You get your ignorant people and your nice people. Its all about which one will come your way.

  16. Just fly the plane and let the stewardesses take care of the passengers.

  17. Some people just want to be left alone I suppose.  Some think you are being mocking or smug if you talk to them.  Don't ask me why? But some are just that way.  Hope it helped :-)    

  18. Everyone is just so stressed out

  19. Ugh! I worked in retail, and people are just so mean sometimes. I really don't know why. It sucks sometimes.

  20. People now days do not deserve any form of kindness. In the end you are damned if you do and your damned if you don't. I stopped being "nice" a long time ago because people now days deserve to be treated poorly. Even when I was nice, It didn't matter. People are more angry, rude, and deserve nothing nice.

    I understand it is part of your job and you must comply, but understand that most people do not appreciate kindness anymore and therefore deserve to be treated like the hateful beings that they are.

    I commend you on your attempt to deal with these type of individuals.

  21. Life causes sufferage.

  22. Because Eve ate from the tree of knowledge.  

  23. Because everyone believes they are important when they really should realize that others don't give a c**p.  The kids are getting worse and worse with their own self importance too.

  24. Some arrogant people "look down" on hard-working civilians such as yourself  because they think they're better than you because you're the one providing service to them

    Age DOES NOT change this belief and it's just pathetic really. Usually caused by spoilt childhood being brought up by rich but ignorant parents

  25. Yeah I work in a cafe and get stuck ups like that everyday. All you do is be nice and you get abuse for it! Grrrrr. Makes me mad thinking about it and I feel the same way mate.

  26. Maybe he was just pissed for another reason.......maybe he was flying away from his ex...or flying TO his ex......there could have been a death in the family....he might have been really tired......

    But yes, people can be rude for no reason. Ugh i hate those people!! lol

  27. Absolutely. There is no need for the rudeness that some people show nowadays .My pet hate is when people shout abuse at people in the street who they dont even know! i was walking down the street last week,with my 3 year old daughter might i add, and these two men on the other side of the street shouted a comment about the size of my chest! i was outraged. people have no manners or decorum nowadays

  28. Great civilizations are built on mutual trust and respect. When they get to big they start to loose both, then they crumble. We have gotten to big for our britches in other words and we think we are the greatest and best so we act like we are superior to others. Wait for the crumble it will happen. All great civilizations fail sooner or later, we are no different.  

  29. im not making excuses for anyone, he was rude.ow with the price of gas and oil and other  household bills people are just getting testy as money is becoming more and more extinct almost. maybe this was a flight that he could not afford and was worried how he was g onna pay another bill, family death or such. you cant be sure why people are the way they are, just smile and nod and be as friendly as YOU can be.the world is becoming a horrible place to live in many places now. CHEER UP PEOPLE.


  30. Because they just are that way.

  31. He was having a bad day.Next time when someone says they want to be left alone,don't reply.

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