
Why are teachers such b****es?

by  |  earlier

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I'm sorry I say this, but they are so mean, I did nothing today, all I said was I couldn't stay 30Min's after like she wanted me to and she went all phyco, for no reason.Shes a weirdo.




  1. Well I have talked with alot of teachers and sometimes they are so stressted out because the school system sucks! most teachers would like to teach it in a different way but they are basically told they can't so I actually feel sorry for them but of course annoyed of them too :) it doesnt matter taht teacher is probaly just  stressed out because she would like to do things another way. good luck!

    have a great day :)

  2. I agree with Ta-Zu

  3. I used to get teachers who seem like they've been eating bombs for breakfasts and then bombing us all day in primary school ... But after I got to secondary school, my teachers are really really great and nice. Maybe some teachers in are just more short tempered.

  4. Trust me dont try to get her fired cuz you'll look back on her and say wow i really learned alot from her!  

  5. Stop being so mean to her and she'll start being nice to you. Treat others how you would like to be trated. When I'm nice to my teachers, they're nice to me.

  6. First, I think it is unfair for you to generalize and call all teachers b****es based on one teacher. Second, I counted AT LEAST fifteen mistakes in your question.

    I'm sorry to say that you cannot get her fired based on her moods, and to try to do so would be unfair to the teacher. Understand that teachers are people too. They have personal situations they deal with outside of class. Yes, they should be professional and leave their issues at the door before entering the classroom, but sometimes that's just impossible.

    I'm not sure what the situation is with your teacher, but I have dealt with separation from my ex-husband, divorce, the passing of my grandmother, and a miscarriage. I tried my best to not let it affect my moods, especially in the classroom, but that's some pretty heavy stuff to deal with. I can't remember, but I'm sure that I (just like anyone else would have) was short-tempered at times due to the stress I was experiencing.  

  7. Keep in mind that just as much as teachers grade students, teachers are being graded too.  If their students perform less than par in comparison to other teachers in the same school, it doesn't look too good for that teacher.  The teacher could be under this stress all while the class as a whole isn't cooperating.  The teacher would do what it takes to get the students to learn.  Deep down, your teacher do care and just want to teach the class.  No one would go this far to be a teacher just to keep students in after school.  It isn't worth that trouble.  And as for getting your teacher fired, this is far fetched.  You are reacting just as your teacher is reacting by keeping in the class after school.  If the situation is that bad, talk to your parents to talk to the principal or talk to a counselor.  You wouldn't want to be labeled as the student that got the teacher fired.

  8. don't u think it would be nice to know if it is a student or a teacher answering these questions

    i am a student training to be a teacher

    I have had both myself - best and not so great !

  9. I don't think you are giving us the whole story. There had to be a reason you were asked to stay after class. Like you were acting out?

    The teacher wants to go home as bad as you do, but also they are required to follow a protocol. I think you are mad because you got busted and tying to blame everyone but yourself. Sure you can report her and try to get her fired, but there will be an investigation and if you are caught lying, you will be suspended or expelled. And if school is that bad, drop out and see how far you get in life.

  10. Most times, teachers act the way they do because of the way the students act.

  11. from students points of view, teachers are bitvch$^$ because they do their best to get children to mind. they do not make enough money to be every students mom or dad....respect is supposed to be taught at home.  it is a forgotten manner.  in short, teachers attitudes for the most part are a reflection of the students they deal with.

  12. I think you need to look at yourself first. i tell my kids that i treat them how they treat me. So, if they are treating you that way it must be because of your attitude. Judging from your post, I would say that you are the one with the problem.

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