
Why are the adults imagination invisable?

by  |  earlier

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They think certain people are on crack or smoking if they transformed into something.




  1. well, they usually are. people cant transform, except through some pretty rare magics, and if it was so easy, people like me would know about it.

  2. Are You smoking crack, of course peoples Imagination invisisibible.

    I like Lemon Drizzle Cake.

  3. That's a general assumption. Some adults have more or less imagination than others. It depends on what they choose to do with it that matters.

    But if they saw someone transform, more than likely they will feel the need to seek psychiatric help.

  4. i believe in mermaids..!! =]

  5. Because adults do not have the ability  of telekinesis

  6. A.) Imagination is not an object. It is never visible, therefore it can't be INvisible. It can be nonexistent though. Perhaps a vocabulary lesson is in dire need for you?

    B.) Imagination is about being able to create a world around you that DOES NOT EXIST. It's about being able to play House when you're younger, and everyone is fighting to be the baby. It's about reading a book and picturing the scenery perfectly in your mind, and then flying into a murderous rampage when the scene isn't exactly as you pictured it in the movie.

    If you're saying that you believe you can be a mermaid because you have good imagination, then you are admitting that mermaids don't exist. Imagination is a world of illusion. It's not real; it's about being able to convince ourselves that something is real, just for a bit.

    Being lost in imagination is unhealthy. But I'm glad to see that you're admitting that turning into mermaids and fairies is, of course, pure imagination and trickery. Acceptance is the first step.

  7. I have a wonderful imaginiation.  But I know the difference between fantasy and reality, and when it's time to stay grounded in the latter.

    These people on here claiming they are turning themselves into mermaids need to understand the difference between imagination and reality too.  And, this is the mythology & folklore section - the television show H2O has nothing to do with either.

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