
Why are there volunteer fire departments?

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I mean, don't they do the same thing as a regular fire department where the firefighters get paid? Are they for more rural areas? I understand why someone would want to be a volunteer but...just what's the difference between a fire dept. and a vol. fire dept?




  1. Because many small towns, and jurisdictions just can't afford to pay for full time professional firefighters. Fire fighters are paid through the city budget, a lot of towns just can't bear the cost of paying the firefighters.  

    The tradition of volunteer fire fighters goes waaaay back in American history. Volunteers in the town formed what they used to call "bucket brigades". These volunteers actually formed a line with buckets of water passed from one person to the next to put out the fire. Volunteer firemen were formed to prevent citywide tragedies like the great Chicago Fire of 1871.

    Hope that helps.

  2. Sometimes a community does not have the financial resources to maintain a large force of firefighters. They suppliment the paid positions with volunteers. Many of the volunteers hope to secure a paid position after getting some experience. They also do it because of it's importance to the safety of their community. There is no real difference between the two other than funding. I'm glad everyone does not have the attitude of DonnaG. We would have a real problem if nobody volunteered.

  3. there not necessarily for rural areas now although I believe that is how they started. What it comes down to is that the county the volunteer fire dept is in is too cheap to pay for paid workers and they take advantage of volunteers.

  4. small communities don't have the funds to pay firemen

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