
Why are they 'attractive'?

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Speaking only of women and ONLY of looks not personality etc... I wonder sometimes why characteristics are found attractive. I want to speak only of a womens face because I can understand why curves and such are found attractive.

For example: I think a woman with big round eyes is pretty, or even almond eyes. Ofcourse if she has other chracteristics that I find attractive then I think shes beautiful, then gorgeous and so on... BUT WHY?

Why is it that I find women with small noses more atractive then women with big noses?

At first I thought, it must be because everything needs to be in 'moderation', so big noses is 'big', but then why is big round eyes okay? SO then I thought maybe Im brain washed by the media, but then I thought, well the media found that attractive for a REASON too, so why did THEY find that attractive? !

I have now realized that I tend to find women attractive who when you write their features down it reminds you of a child....

Big eyes, small nose, smooth skin... do we associate these features with youth? Is that why I find them attractive?

What about other people's idea of attractiveness? Like blue eyes, or blonde hair? Or Long hair/ short hair? Or high cheekbones, or full lips?

Does it have something to do with the fibonnaci sequence? Or lines, patterns, symmetry? I dont find Denzel attractive and they say he has the most symmetrical face in hollywood....





  1. i dont know. good question. i also have a big nose and i hate it. no guy at my school finds me attractive thats why i want a nose job when i turn 16 next summer. i cant wait for it. i really want it. cuz my big nose bothers me every single day. i guess it's what people find attractive. like if you have nice clear skin rather than pimples that's more attractive. for the eye color, it doesnt really matter unless the eyes are like pink or red. i prefer long hair. full lips are s**y.  

  2. Its a biological reaction.

    The more symmetric someone looks, face, body, the more attractive you seem. It has to do with if the other person will have good off springs with you, etc.

  3. Well, other people find those things ugly. We all have different taste. GET OVER IT

  4. um it think you need to get a job, boyfriend, go to school, or get a hobbie. you have way to much time on your hands

  5. this is DEEP!

    lol, but you have really good points

  6. i always wonder the same thing,although you sound a lot smarter then me when you wonder it! lol

  7. I think this is a very interesting question. NOT stupid.

    i personally think that it comes down to more than just having personal differences. your mind reacts to symmetry and correct proportions. i also think that it can be passed down through generations like if almost everyone in your family for like 10 generations likes a certain feature or has married/dated the same tye or people with the same type of features i think it could be a trait in the family from wayyy back in like cave man days. idk really tis hard for me to explain in words haha

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