
Why are tigers hunted for?

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  1. Indonesia use these parts for


    Teeth--making jewelry

    Claws -- inlay-ed in gold

    Whiskers   bring good luck if removed while tiger is still alive

    Tail -- used to protect if you posses and keep in home



    skin from forehead

    Eye brows







    Front right paw bone

    Some of this is used in meds others alot for magic what a waste of a awesome animal for c**p like this

    Also furs and trading and Iam sure for alot of other things as well

  2. mainly for fur . For some they make excellent coats ...

    It`s a tragedy that tigers die every year from such a stupid  purpose eventhough it`s known that  these creatures are endangered

  3. for their coats/skin - many fashion designers use them on their clothes

    bones and p***s are said to heal a number of ailments based on chinese medicine.

    there's also tiger meat, tiger p***s soup, etc. etc.

  4. The majority of tigers are killed for their genitals,to be used for aphrodisiacs in China,

    The same reason Rhinos are killed for their horn

    this is more valuable than the fur.

    Have you ever seen tiger skin coats ,this is very unusual

    the skin is used for a wall hanging or rug,

    Not as fur.

    There are no tigers in Africa ,just where do these experts get their information,in Africa there are Lions,cheetahs,panthers ,lynx,bobcats,wildcats ,leopards,but no tigers .

  5. just to add onto what other people have said...

    a lot of tiger parts, such as their bones are used in ancient chinese medicine...even though it was outlawed a few years ago because SO many endangered species' parts are used in their practices (ex. black rhino horn is used to relieve fevers) unfortunately it's still all too easy for people to hunt these beautiful animals to continue their ancient practice of medicine

  6. They are hunted for their hides and as trophies for those who do not care if the specie survives.

    Some will be hunted if they become a danger to the local population, but that is not common.

  7. Their body parts mainly, especially their fur, even 5 week old cubs are killed, so people can have a tiger cub in their loungeroom.. its pathetic...

    And my boss has a tiger skin in her home! disgracful, also a cheetah skin... im very disapointed...

    Tigers should be saved not slayed

  8. there fur

  9. fur

    and in places like africa i guess for there meat too.

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