
Why are women afraid of bees?

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Why are women afraid of bees?




  1. excuse me?

    men too buddy.

    it's not the gender that makes you afraid, it's the personality.

    i'm guessing because they are afriad to be stung.

    i'm not... but that could be because i've never got stung.

  2. f*ck bees.

  3. Boys and men are too. My 14 year old brother is major scared of bees.

  4. I'm not. It's usually the silly pre-teen girl type who wears brand name clothing and squeals at anything mildly amusing. They grow out of it.

  5. I am not afraid of them at all.  I don't want them to sting me, because it hurts like the dickens and I am allergic.  So if I see several swarming I will give them plenty of space.  But if one flies up I just remain as still as possible until it flies away.

  6. Where did you hear that?

    I know I'm not terrified of bees, bugs or anything that crawls. I run around barefooted all of the time, and when I step on a bee, I simply grab the stinger and pull it out. It's no big deal really.

    The theory about young teenage girls screaming over bugs isn't entirely true. After all, I am only thirteen myself.  

  7. because they sting !

  8. not just women, men too, isn't it?

  9. I'm not.  Are you afraid of bees?

  10. I am a woman and I am not afraid of bees.

  11. Not all women are afraid of bees are they?

    I know I am but I thought I was one of the few. People laugh at me when I run away from one screaming.

    It's stupid, I know.

  12. well they sting and us girls and we don't want to get hurt but some girls do it because they want to show off

  13. because getting stung hurts!

  14. Why are you generalizing like that? I am a female and not afraid of many insects. Black widows do make me want to avoid some porches.. but overall, you won't see me running away from a bee or a cockroach.

  15. cause they sting and it hurts!!! last time i got stung i had a bad reaction. i went to rest my arm on the bed of the truck and a honey bee stung me. i try not to freak out cause i know i look like an idiot but if its too close you can bet i will scream and run!!!  

  16. because bees are grateful..

  17. ..I'm not. I know not to fuuck around with them. I like bumble bees the most.

  18. its not always a girl thing bees sting that a fact of life and no one wants to get stung.

  19. Women?

    I'm a woman and I'm not afraid of bees. Probably it's because of the sting.

  20. well I am a woman and i was weedeating once and a whole swarm of yellow jackets came out of the ground after me. They manage to only sting my arm and leg but some clung to my eyeglasses. Yes I screamed all across the yard until I got in the house. I bet a grown macho man would have done the same.

  21. Not all women are scared of bees. I'm fact, I love bees. I've seen many men freak out because of bees though :)

  22. That is categorizing. I know of more men afraid of bees. I am careful, but I bat at flying bees with my hands all the time. What women are you talking about?  

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