
Why are you voting for Obama?

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Other than for "change" thats a bunch of c**p.

unless you mean change as in raising taxes, which would make more businesses move to other countries.

and it would also put more people in debt.

and nationalized health care?!?!?

when there are different health care providers it causes competition, which drives their prices down.




  1. You seem poorly educated on the candidate. It's easy to see why you think change is an empty message when you haven't bothered to learn what it stands for. Obama would only be raising income tax on the top 5% wealthy Americans. He'll be cutting taxes for the other 95%, which probably includes you. He will be raising taxes on businesses too, but only the ones outsourcing jobs oversees, so they'll actually be less likely to leave. His tax policies are actually more responsible and would help diminish the national debt. Obama also doesn't support the form of nationalized health care you're thinking of. He wants to provide those that can afford it the same health care that government workers receive, and help those that can't afford it. There will still be competition, but it's obvious that competition isn't driving down health care prices. So in short, you're wrong and you should do more research.

  2. I'm not voting for Obama.

  3. Taxes are going to be raised either way, there is already debt and recession and economic crisis in this country...because of Republican leadership...or lack thereof.

    And John McCain, no matter how much of a "maverick" or "reformer" or whatever he wants to be, is just going to be another continuation of the Bush regime.

    His VP pick makes no sense, She's just one controversy after the next, and if he dies in the next few years (which Is not totally unlikely because hes sick and old) She will be the president and thats scary to think about.

    The Republicans ONLY real arguement is that Obama lacks tangible experience, and they went against their OWN standards by picking...Sarah Palin.

    The Republican party isnt exactly known for their charisma or passion or for their empathy or unwavering support to all human kind and those less fortunate etc. They are just a haughty, arrogant group with a matter-of-fact attitude, and judging from what they have done in the past, yes, we need a CHANGE....John McCain isnt it.

  4. I can tell you why I am -not-.

    Ties to terrorists, racists, and the undeniable fact Obama has no experience (except for getting paid to run for President).

  5. Because he is NOT a republican.  That's the only reason "I" need

  6. I am voting for Obama since I am a mindless, clueless moron who wants to waste my vote.  I know he is not the best candidate but I will vote for him because all us tree-huggers will be voting for him.

  7. He promised me fried chicken and collard greens. Or at least some black guy did, they all look the same to me.

  8. I'm voting for Obama because he's dealing with issues - not cowboy hats and old war stories.

    "Other than for "change" thats a bunch of c**p."

    You and I don't know if it's "c**p" or not - yet.  Based on Obama's record I believe he will at the very least try to change things.  But we'll see if it's for real come January.

    "unless you mean change as in raising taxes, which would make more businesses move to other countries."

    Businesses move to other countries because they can make their widgets cheaper because they don't have to pay people much.  If companies move off shore, loosing American's their jobs and try to sell their widgets back to us - Obama will tax them so that companies that stay here will be able to compete with those that don't care about America.  That tax can go to balance our budget, give you a tax a break, send kids to college, repair our crumbling infastructure etc etc etc.  What's wrong with that?

    "and nationalized health care?!?!?

    when there are different health care providers it causes competition, which drives their prices down."

    Oh really?  Have you seen any health care prices going down lately?  I don't think so.   A few insurance companies are running health care - not our hospitals or doctors and nurses.   They pay politicians enormous sums of money to keep them in charge of our health.  Every industrialized country other than ours treats health care as a Right and they're doing fine and the people are healthy.  We could do it easily  - if our leaders would get their faces out of the insurance feeding troughs.

  9. He has better judgement to choose a VP that could handle things God forbid something happens...

  10. Because he is not an ignorant racist old man? It's pretty much a judgment call

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