
Why are you voting for Obama? ?

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Don't just say "He's a great leader". Give me political reasons please.




  1. Because I want to.

  2. Thats right...^

  3. Because I agree with him on the issues and disagree with McCain.

  4. Because McCain is telling us what he is going to do.  

  5. Parce que c'est le meilleur candidat pour réhabiliter les Etats-Unis dans le monde.

    Il désenclavera votre pays de l'isolement dans lequel il a été confiné jusqu'à présent , il sera source de paix , retirera les troupes américaines d'Irak.

    Il utilisera l'argent pour éradiquer la pauvreté et contrer la montée en puissance de la Chine.

    Etant donné que les Etats-Unis sont un pays multiculturel , Obama sera le symbole de la diversité parce que ce pays à l'avenir aura besoin de TOUS ses enfants , et par exemple aussi d'une plus grande ouverture linguistique qu'il favorisera sans doute (apprentissage de l'espagnol et du français ainsi que du chinois surtout)

    bref , vu de l'étranger , le vote Obama est synonyme d'espoir et de grande sympathie.

  6. I will vote for Biden....McCain means more failed Republican policies....more war and the continued deterioration of this country.  He could pick 20 women...and I still would not vote for him!

    Hillary was my choice...and I will never forgive the DNC and the elder Democrats for them telling us who to vote for!  If you recall, when Hillary was winning, Kennedy and Kerry came out for Obama...but Massachusetts voted for Hillary.  They could not let that happen so they made sure (Dean and Brazile) that MI and FL would not be counted.  The only hope Obama had was the caucuses.  (see the links below).

    IF McCain is elected, the only hope that we have is that the Senate has the 60 percent majority to overturn McCain's vetoes.  The Dems do not have it now...and that is why they have not been able to push legislation through.

    When will these people realize that it is NOT who they want for is who the people...the voters want!

    So if you vote for McCain...make sure you send a Dem to Congress.  

  7. Because he is the best choice in this election for the change this country needs. Actually he is the only choice for change!

  8. Obama who?  Haven't the liberals heard already, he is washed up and is going to be hung out to dry in the next 60+ days.  

  9. Obama has a clear vision of what he is going to do when he becomes president. He also recognizes the problems and challenges that faces America today. He sees the current realities and the direction this nation is leading to.

    The Republicans on the other hand, simply ignore these problems and realities. Instead of recognizing the difficulties and hand-to-mouth existence of middle-class Americans, they say that America is a "nation of whiners". Regarding the worsening state of the US economy, they always cling to their denial by saying that "the fundamentals of the US economy are sound" and that Americans are only experiencing "mental-recession".

    Vote Republican if you want to continue living in "Fantasy Land".

  10. If I was, I would say because I am an idiot and must either be on crack or believe the garbage the press says. He is  inexperienced, a liar and has crazy crack pot ideas. I'd vote for my shoe before I voted for him.

  11. His platform is clearly better than McCain's Bush light plan.  Also, only a fool would put Palin in the VP slot.  

  12. "Because he's black."  Seems to be the only logical reason.

  13. I am voting for Obama because he is the best man for the job.  If you don't agree with that, vote for McCain and let the republicans make a fool of you AGAIN!

  14. 'Cause I can't get enough, of that "free" government stuff! Go Barry Obama!

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