
Why bother remaking a faultless film?

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  1. Honestly how ridiculous.

    More proof that Hollywood are devoid of any original ideas .......

    Hollywood is dead.

  2. to cash in.. all the ideas are taken, welcome to the age of the remake

  3. $$$$$$$$$$$$

  4. They remake everything, its easier than trying to think up something new.  Luckily, they've figured out they can't come close to "To Kill a Mockingbird", so for the time being, they've leff that one classic alone.

  5. It was of its time and should be left there, some things dont cross the time divide very well and that is one of them. To make it pass the PC brigade these days would take away all it had.

  6. There is nothing original now.

    I bumped into Tom Baker a while ago he said "We are being entertained by the dead..."

  7. I'm not surprised. Hollywood has ran out of ideas.

  8. no way. there remaking nightmare on elm street too, although i've never seen that. just shows they can't think of owt new.

    No-one can ever be as good as Tim Curry, EVER!  

  9. My sentiments entirely and generally most remakes are never as good as the original. However, one film comes to mind about which I was hopelessly wrong. I had seen the orginal "Of Mice and Men" with Lon Chaney and always felt it was a brilliant film. My daughter suggested I watch the re-make with John Malkovich (and ??? Sinese?).  Reluctantly, I watched the new version. It was just as good - grudgingley I might say better, than the version from the 30's.

    There are some people who feel this way about books. When they hear a well loved book is to be made into a film they despair. I read a book last year called "Emma's War"  about a British female aid worker who went to work in  Sudan in the 1990's. The book was written by an american journalist and is a great read as the writer, Deborah Scroggins, provides a broad and deep background to Sudan in the first half of the book, before going on to follow the story of Emma McCune. I have heard that Hollywood plan to make it into a film next year - which saddened me. But I will probably go and see it - and will either grumble or marvel ! !

    I love Rocky Horror - and the film is just as much fun as the play in different ways, but I'm sure there are many who will defend the stage play to the end. Nothing changes but everything does.

  10. It bugs me when they do this. They have re-made so many classic films now and they are never a patch on the original. Can't they think of anything new instead?

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