
Why can't I cry anymore?

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I never cry anymore. I read about this and they say it could be a symptom of chronic apathy. I don't know about that for sure though. And I am not only talking about mental pain but also physical. Sometimes I feel like I need to let it out but I really just can't. When people shout or yell at me I will usually just laugh or be totally out of it. Hence some say I am in la-la-land.

My emotions must be whacked up and it seems that I will either be like this for long or I will become miserable. I suppose some people might think that it's not even a bad thing.

Oh and I don't think it's apathy because I do feel the emotion. I just can't let it loose. This is probably a very common scenario that someone could help me with.;_ylt=AmwbqFbnT35cZA6j5Op0.d4jzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080707171646AAZpGeK

I saw that question too and I listen to a lot of music. I really do appreciate classical and J.S. Bach does happen to be my favorite, however, that song does not do it for me. Comes close..




  1. Tear wise?  That sucks if you get get any emotions out.  If really want to cry a terrible thing has to happen to you.  If you want tears to come out but not cry, get a cloth spine and put it on your nose.  The psychological impact of that is it's so much pain that your body just leaks out tears.

  2. you should get together with the person who asked why they can't laugh anymore. wouldn't that be a match made in Disneyland...

  3. I haven't been able to cry since 5th grade. I'm in 10th now. So basically 5 years. I've been through a lot of emotional pain due to my family. Well, mostly my parents. Drugs, broken promises, etc. Too hard to explain without telling you my life story. I guess once you get so much pain you become numb. I still feel emotions, they just aren't strong enough anymore to make me cry. I didn't even cry when I almost died. My foot was stuck in a rock, while going down a rapid in a river. I couldn't come up for air. And some random guy, who we did not know helped save me. We never did find him after I got out. Guardian angel?



    I think that once you reach a point, you can't cry anymore. Unless it goes over that point.

  4. In life the reason why we become so cold is because we expect to much and people don't live up to our expectations. The only solution is that stop  expecting and get a life for yourself.... Keep busy. Make new hobbies...If you can try to make a trustworthy friend. Life is actually a beautiful journey but in case there are speed-breakers we need to go beyond and continue this beautiful journey.

    There was a point in my life when i thought i had become numb... Nothing could penetrate the walls. Today I'm a happy girl living a normal life. To be able to cry... you need to break down those walls and let people touch you.. Don't be afraid of getting hurt.. Be proud of your mistakes..You did learn a lot from them... right.

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