
Why can I never sleep?

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What are some ways to go to sleep sooner?

Last night I didnt get to sleep until 530am. Woke up at 9am. Did not have a nap, but way super tired throught the whole day/night. As soon as it hit 11pm I tried to sleep. Did not work. Here I am 2:21am wide awake and bored.

I took some nyquil to help me get to sleep but I took that an hour ago.

Ahhh Im going nuts.

This happens when I sleep over my friends house too. Ill be tired all night but then when I go to lay down I cant sleep at all. Then its like 330 or 4 so he falls asleep and Im stuck just laying there trying to stay still so he wont wake up. Its not fun. It sucks actually.

How can I change this?




  1. you can try drinking some valerian root tea...or do some exercise during the day that really exhausts you...

    good luck

  2. Sleep in my bed.

  3. its about 4am here. stretching usually relaxes me, i have a hard time staying relaxed most of the tiem.  find a really boring book to read and. when you are getting ready to try to sleep lay on your back and focus on relaxing all of your muscles starting with your toes all the way to your neck. tense your individual muscles for 3-5 seconds breathing deeply and slowly with your stomach, not your chest. close your eyes and focus on your breathing. you should start to feel dreamy and then slowly turn on your side and keep up your breathing. this is a relaxation technique i learned in yoga it helps me to fall asleep more often than not. good luck

  4. I have this problem alot. Even though you may not realise it, you could be suffering from Depression or something. Or, you could simply be a Isomniac. Either way, right now im both, Kinda. I do sleep--Eventually. >.> I havent slept much lately either. xD So, My suggestion is to see a doctor. It could be serious.

    I know Im certaintly not sleeping because im suffering from Depression. 8D

  5. Yea i've been going through the exact same thing for a couple weeks

  6. DAY DREAM!!.about somebody specail or that,a sexual fanstay always pits me 2 sleep. i know it sound weird but try it.

  7. Is it purely biological or are you anxious about something?  Are you awake because you don't know what to do about a situation?  Do you drink a lot of caffine?  It stays in your system for something like 10 hours.  Some tips from me that seem to have helped are:

    *Have a bedtime routine.  (Go to bed at the same time every night)

    *When you wake up, get out of bed and go into another room until you feel sleepy again. (The body/brain will associate the bed with not slepping if you just lie there awake.)

    *Limit caffine.

    *Don't exercise to close to bedtime (the endorphins will give you a rush.)

    Good Luck.

  8. I have the same problem. I daydream or listen to music, it gets me to sleep.

    Good luck xx

  9. I have the same problem!! trying to find a cure too!!

    I usually stay up all night and sleep during the day, it's bad. My sleeping patterns are horrible. Try Tylenol PM maybe, or sleeping pills?

    Good luck

  10. Do something that really makes you tired. Like during the day be very active!

  11. ooh !

    soo I was not the only one, well if i were you, I would :

    1- take a hot bath/shower

    2- put your air conditioner in High

    3- put your TV on and put something boring on TV and put the volume really LOW .

    4- eventually, within 2-7 minutes you would be asleep.

    ** Hope it works ** :P

    Ps -  here its 3:36 am

  12. Your brains natural sleep patterns are out of whack, in fact, your brian is now in the habit of 'being awake'. I have had this problem also. Try taking 'meletonin', purchased at a drug or health food store. It promotes the brains natural sleeping patterns to get back in line.

  13. stop using DRUGS...u

  14. I play an audio book or music to give me something to think about besides not sleeping.  Usually once my mind is distracted this way, I can drift off.

    Also no caffeine, heavy exercise, or horror movies in the late afternoon.

  15. You probably just have too much on your mind try reading before you go to sleep... best bet would be something you've already read that your not really into it'll bore you to the point where your just so tired of reading it your body will shut down... if not ask your doctor about Trazadone

  16. d**n i have the same problem.

    just lay down

    and dont move

    and relax

    and try to sleep.

    but you could ask your mom to take you to the doctor because you cant sleep.

  17. if this is a continuing problem and if it is affecting your daily life, maybe it would be a wise idea to talk with your parents about seeing a doctor.

    there are probably many causes for insomnia... i hope you'll seek help if it's causing you distress in your life.
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