
Why cant I heelflip?10 points!!?

by  |  earlier

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Every time I try to heelflip i flick it then bring my foot back to land(wich i cant do) and it hits the board and goes flying to my right and other time i flick it and i land on the floor before my board!please help!




  1. its really about the positioning of your feet.u gotta find your sweet spot on the board that help you flip the best

  2. i guess it would be

    jump high and stay over the board

    overtime it should happen

    i got heelflips after i got kickflips

    my freind does his like this

    he puts his front foot behind the bolts

    with his big toe barely hangin off

    then he ollies then flicks

    it stays under him every time

    and he gets them super high

    like as high as they do on skate

  3. I had the same problam. My right foot would hit the ground first. The only adice i can think of is that you need to practice jumping. Just jump and hit your knees to your chest until its easy to do it. Try other tricks that while you practice jumping. Like kickflip or an ollie. (so your skills won't get rusty). try this out .

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