
Why cant i sleep?!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ive been going to sleep late like around 4am nd yesterday i didn't fall asleep till 6!!! i just watch tv until i get sleepy but i never do! AND I don't drink coffee or anything with caffeine its killin me!!! and I'm just 19




  1. I would say that there's something in your life that is stressing u out. That is a HUGE cause for people not to fall asleep. If you are watching TV when u fall asleep, u might want to try to watch a more relaxing program (or one that bores u.) I have found that if I watch a TV program that is exciting or entertaining to watch, I stay awake.

  2. I have the same problem, came from working as a bartender for years, which kept me out of bed until 6-7am. I found a herbal supplement at Walmart called "Calming Sleep", which has helped a lot. It's not like a sleeping pill to where it knocks you out, but really helps to relax you. (I found it on the same aisle as the sleep aids, ran me about $6-8) Also, I have found that regular TV will keep me awake, but if I put on the same movie every night, I'm out like a light. Other people will swear by chamomile tea, but I never found it to work. Good luck!

  3. work out  

  4. try not drinking any beverages besides water before you sleep, use the bathroom before you sleep and try reading a book or a magazine before you sleep. also, get into bed earlier and just lay down and wind down earlier to feel relaxed. i doubt it has anything to do with insomnia, try changing eating habits and getting involved with more daily activities. be more active, etc. like don't eat a lot of sweets and watch the drinks ur drinking they might have caffeine and u might not even realize it.

  5. After 10pm the attraction of earth or the gravitational force is too high, if we dont make a rest before that its difficult to cope up.

    Try walking in the midnight, you will get more tired than in the morning. Same is the case with sleep, you may feel like tired, but if your eyes are open all these time, your body will resist to close eyes.

    Its advisable to sleep after 10 and dont sit too late. That can even bring your health weak. :-)

    Dont drink or eat too much after 10pm :-)

  6. You have to get your brain used to a circadian rhythm.  That means, if you want to get up at 8am, you set your alarm for 8am, put that alarm across the room and do not get back in that bed no matter how tired you are.  And you will be tired for the first week! If it's cold, keep a bathrobe handy, but do not get back in that bed. Jump in the shower, eat, brush your teeth, whatever you have to do.

    No naps allowed during the day.

    The bed is only for sleep and s*x.  No TV, PC, reading, music, nothing.

    Those are the main rules.  You have to make your schedule. You have to decide how many hours of sleep you want a night, and what time you want to get up.  So if you want to sleep from midnite to 8am, set the alarm across the room for 8am. Stick to the rules, honey, and in a week or so, you WILL fall asleep at midnight!!  You'll see.

    It's called a circadian rhythm. You can google it if you want to research it, but I guarantee you it works!

    Bless you and Good luck!  :)  

  7. You are 19 that explains everything.. get a boyfriend!

  8. take benydryl. That always helps me fall asleep. Make sure to take it 30 minutes before you go to bed.
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