
Why change when you're happy?

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My life is flowing smoothly by and I'm really enjoying it and yet everyone around me is trying to change me for the 'better'. I don't get that even though 'better' is only perspective that they try to force there opinions on me even though I'm happy. I say don't fix what's not broken and they say clean it till it perfect even when it will never quite ever be prefect. Should I stay content the way I am or try better myself in others eyes?




  1. Be happy in yourself.  Nothing is perfect, that is the nature of the universe.  You could strive for perfection for the rest of your life and never attain it.

      Would you want to have a perfect gf/bf?  What little quirks or flaws would keep you interested?

      You're fine the way you are, if you're truly happy, live life.



  2. Depends. If you are happy but making life hard for everyone else, change would be a good idea. If you are happy then *right now* you don't have to change but probably will have to at some point in the future when situations change - they might just be pushing you to change faster than you need it.

    As the saying goes: change is inevitable - except from a vending machine.

  3. don't try to better yourself in their eyes, try to better yourself in YOUR eyes. if you don't care what others think, that's great.

    some people change when they're happy because they think they're could be happier.

    others just want everything

  4. tell those people that the wise man says..

    be not angry that someone is not the person you wish them to be, for you are not yet the person you wish to be!

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