
Why childrens are crying at birth?

by Guest32075  |  earlier

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Why childrens are crying at birth?




  1. The crying instinct helps the infant to open their airways for the first time.  It could be the shock of feeling air through the nostrils and through the lungs is also strange to their system.  If a baby does not cry at birth, then they are not breathing at all.

  2. WELL can u imagine the stress n trauma it goes through during labour to entering the world!

    All tucked up n safe in enviroment/tummy 4 9 months suddenly noise,light - confused

  3. Smiles, relief, congratulations and applause do not begin when a child is born - they start when it cries. Without crying, the room becomes increasingly silent and the mood increasingly apprehensive; and for good reason - crying is a very positive sign of a new, healthy life; its absence is anything but that. Many factors and complex interactions go into the production of the sound that announces joyful, healthy childbirth.

    All babies are born soaking wet, and on meeting the atmosphere, the skin cools; this triggers two reflexes:

    1. The cold crying reflex - cold, wet diapers produce the same result, crying.

    2. The cold pressor reflex - cold skin raises blood pressure.

    In order to cry, the child must first take a deep breath, and an inspiratory "gasp" is often the first sign, triggered by cold, that a child is going to cry or breathe. Contraction of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles increase thoracic volume and create negative intra-thoracic pressure. Once air is in the lungs, another reflex is triggered that relaxes the pulmonary arterioles; this causes an enormous increase in pulmonary blood flow.

  4. You have your answer.

    I am surprised you got as many answers as you did this question should be in the Pregnancy section or the

    Newborn section - it has nothing to do with preschool

    aged kids.

  5. i am no exspert but i think its a lot of stress to have to be pushed from a cozy little sack through a small opening that will squish the head i would cry to

  6. well would you not start crying if you were squashed about for a couple of hours and went from nice and safe,warm and dark to freezing cold and really bright?

  7. Usually its the fastest way to get oxygen into their lungs. For nine months they have not been breathing, Now they need to breathe. Crying helps them breathe and get the lungs working.

  8. because ther cold and the light bothers there eyes even though they're closed.

  9. because its a whole new world from the safety and comfort of the mothers womb

  10. it means that the soul of this little person realises that life on  earth is tough and not at all like heaven---and therefore it cries,

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