
Why did Hennie report my answer?

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Hennie likes grammar and spelling so I posted the following:

Question: How many species of warthog are there?


Deleted Answer: How many species of warthog are there? Are there? Where? You should have phrased your question "How many species of warthog exist?" You have used a locative form incorrectly. Zxcv, (exclamation mark, new sentence, capital letter) now (why, was it not fascinating before? Where are your commas?) that's fascinating! I guess ( what do you "guess", I presume you mean "presume, "think", "assume" or even "opine") you'll be doing a lot of mating then (incorrect, yet typically informal, use of "then" as an emphatic form at the end of a clause), huh (oh dear... oh dear, "huh"

I get a violation for insulting other members yet he insulted me in his reply? I thought he would appreciate the grammar points. LOL!!!!......

Any thought?




  1. Sorry Emjay, I am missing the boat. How do you know Hennie reported you? While he likes to correct language, I can not see him as a person that reports people. Maybe somebody else got the h**l in!

  2. Tut tut tut! I didn't report you, little boy! Anyhow, I did actually thank you and had a look at the link you sent me. Also, if you paid attention to previous of mine, you'd know that I welcome correction. So grow the h**l up, little boy! Lol!

  3. Holy Crappies me thinks you've got a troll.x*x

  4. Right.  Well, it seems odd that of all people, someone would choose to pick on your grammar - when heaven knows your grammer is far better than most!

    It appears to be an arbitrary harassment against the blameless.

  5. And here I am ! Making the most grammer errors and everybody forgives me  ! LMAO !

  6. While Hennie has annoyed me with his constant spelling corrections, what makes you think it was him? It's rather stupid to blame someone for a violation when it's anonymous. Yahoo is just a game, it's not real life....or it's not like a violation is getting you in jail.

  7. How do you know that it is Hennie. Many people have corrected his spelling and grammar and they don't get reported. He doesn't mind if people correct him when he is wrong and he has said this.

  8. Ja MJ I think it's safe to say the trolls are back!

    Although Hennie likes to correct mistakes I doubt he has reported you, he would rather gloat about it and can only do that while it's showing and people are answering hehe ;-)

  9. don't let it get to you. Sleep on it.

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