
Why did Justine Henin retired?

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why did she retired? and also do you think Federer will get his game back together? I hope he doesn't retired yet also ^.^




  1. I think she retired because of all the mental and physical stress of the game. She feels herself breaking down and although she is only 25 (going on 26 in june), i think she wants to step back and have some normalcy with her life. Let's not forget, she just had a divorce last year as well. I wouldn't be surprised if after a few years she makes a comeback. If she doesn't then she knows she went out on top.

    As for Federer, he will not be as dominant anymore. I see him winning only a few more slams (3 max). Either he'll tie with Sampras or break it by one -- most Grand Slam titles(Men's) (14)

  2. I cant believe she`s retired. She shouldnt have especially with the french coming up she has been sooo successful there, she`s a great athlete its ashame :( And youd think she would have stuck around for wimbledon aswell :( But oh well her choice. As for Roger he`s Roger we`ll see how he goes lol Anything is possible but i dont think there will be anymore surprise losses from the Swiss !

  3.'s really quite funny the outlandish statements being made. firstly,justine was NEVER one for the fame and fortune. her only focus was to play and win. and carlos rodriguez just released a press release explaining what her intention really is,and you may be surprised. he said because of the tumultuous year she had last year with her marriage breaking up,her family coming back together it had finally come to the fore. and as he says also,justine often had this way of continuing to play,fight in spite of things happening in her personal life....and it was only a matter of time before things became to heavy for her.

  4. She probably wants to start a family, also I think she saw that her skill level was going down and the competition was getting fierce. She wanted to go out on top, and that is what she did.

    She could make a comeback like Lindsey, but she can't expect to become #1 again if she does.

  5. shr told she was tired of playing

  6. I think it requires a lot of guts to retire at no.1. Justine Henin had retirement plans in her mind ever since she lost in Miami. She probably wanted to retire with dignity and that is why she chose to retire as the reigning queen rather than as no.4 or 5. Congratulations! to a great champion and I wish her all the best in her life.

    Roger must have been shocked to hear this and I am pretty sure he does not want to be under the same predicament. He would definitely be looking forward to improving his performances, and hopefully we will get to hear some decent results in the future.

  7. She couldn't stand the heat anymore I guess.  It's a shame, but if her heart's not in it anymore, then good riddance.

  8. i've seen her press conference and she said that she can't stand the physical and mental stress anymore.

    good statement about Fed. he seems tired too, but i don't think he will retire as long as he is #1. let's wait and see.

  9. I'm sure its all very personal reasons. I hope she doesn't regret it and wonder what more she could of done.

    As for Fed, read his press conference after beating Niemenen last night, that man isn't going to retire for a long time yet, he said it would 'break his heart' if he ever was forced to stop playing, and that he sees much more in his future. he has stated before he may plan to retire after the uk olympics, so itd b 2012, and hed be 31.

  10. can't stand physical and mental stress...

  11. could it be that perhaps she alledgedly was caught with performance enhancement drugs in her system and she retired before all that can come out?

  12. Because she realized that she's actually a man and should have been playing in the ATP.

  13. Justine was great and she will be missed. But let me just add a negative note by saying that she was off her game for the entire year. She knew she was going to lose in Paris and London. If she thought she had a realistic chance to win the French Open and WImbledon, I guarantee that she would have delay her retirement by a few months.

  14. I feel so sorry too, she's 1 of me favorites. Her body gave up, she's absorbing 6-0 score in succession. 6-0 is very unlike a true champion & scared it may continue embarasing her as #1.

    If Roger keeps losing too, it will be the start of his downfall like the greats before him. Maybe time had caught up on him & younger, stronger, faster players may soon stop his domination as well. Yeah, I feel sad everytime a great player retires but we can't do anything about that. New upcoming players keep th games alive

  15. Because in general tennis players are getting more and more spoiled by the money, as a result playing many matches no longer seems important.  The prize money changed enough that she can retire at 25 and have more money than Navratilova had at the end of her career.   Athletes used to talk about how they like to play the sport for the sport itself, now it's all about fatigue and motivation.  

    As for Federer, I think he's gotten too used to the undefeated status and has gotten too careless.  Now more than ever he reminds of Sampras after he set his records.  There was a major slump and people started questioning him if he should retire as well.  I think just like Sampras, Federer will bounce back enough to grab 14 or 15 total slams and will then retire.

  16. She may not feel fit to play.RF will come back.

  17. there's a certain sort of dignity, and courage, and grace to quit something when you're in the top.

    maybe she figured she couldn't take it anymore, and knew she'd keep going on a downward spiral. what better time to leave than when your world no. 1?! :)

    Love u Henin!!!

  18. i am thinking she pulled a joe montana and retired on top (as she was #1).

    Federer will not get back on track, i just odnt thing he wil ever be the same

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