
Why did he ask me this?

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My first love and I broke up about six months ago, and we started talking again about two weeks ago.

Today he asked me if I am truly over him. I said I am for the most part but that I still think about him. I then asked him why he asked me that, and he said, "I just like asking random questions."

He has talked about us going our separate ways, saying that I'd be better off without him since we were in a long-distance relationship, but then why would he go around asking that?

Am I just over-analyzing, or does it mean something?




  1. If you still luv him tell him! but if he cant be with u just becuz u 2 r long distance.... i'll get to the point tell him  him this: i still love you but if we cant be with eachother just tell me. He'll understand hopefully. OOH FORGET IT! HE LUUUUVS U GURL HE THINK UR LUV IS STILL TRUE!

  2. i think he still wants you girl.


  3. I think you may be over analyzing the situation.  It's really hard to get over the first love, as a matter of fact they kind of stay with you forever.  

    Sometimes a clean break, and just resolve not to have anything to do with them period is the best way to get over someone you care so deeply about.  

  4. I agree with L M

  5. to me it sounds like hes just trying to see where he stands with what is you opnion of him...pretty sure he wants to get back with you.hes just trying to play the victim or seem weak in this situation.

  6. He is giving mixed signals.

    He wants to see if you have moved on.

  7. he's just asking.

  8. He is trying to see if it would be worth going back out prolly and you pretty much gave him a no.  

  9. I think that something happened that made him think about you. It made him want to keep on dating you, because without you he feels empty. But because he wasn't sure, he wasn't ready when you reacted right off the bat. He probably was emberrassed, so he made up a lame excuse, and then tried to cover it up so that you wouldn't suspect he still likes you. Go back to him; he needs you. It may not seem like that on the outside, but isn't it what's on the inside that counts?

  10. He probably asked you that because maybe he wants to get back together with you.What you have to do is  examine the way he talks to you or if he gives you hints or something.

  11. it mean that's he hasn't stopped thinking of u and maybe he believes that there is no such thing as far distance relationship's and so hes acting like that.

  12. I think the reason for asking that was because he definitely still has feelings for you and hes making it pretty obvious... If you still love him then you should tell him how you feel and give you guys another shot. Hope everything works out for you, good luck!=)

  13. i don't know him so cannot answer for sure. but he is a nice guy than he asked u the question because he still likes u. if he is more like a player, than he asked u just to tease u.

  14. He is definitely testing you to see where he stands. Just because he asked you this question does not mean that he wants you back. You pretty much answered his question and both of you can move on. There is nothing wrong of thinking of your first love once in a while. After all he was your first love.

  15. this guy still likes you!!!

    ask him the same question and he might tell you why. if he didnt still like you he wouldnt of said i like random questions.

  16. I think that you might be over-analyzing because I was in a similar situation. With me, this guy told me that he wasn't interested in me as a girlfriend but more as a sister and then one night after that he asks me " What would you say if I asked you out right now?" I still wonder to this day what the h**l made that come out of his mouth but I still kind of know for sure that he doesn't want to be with me that way. Sometimes guys will ask that question because the type of answer you give them might give them an ego boost, especially when you say that you're not over them. It's cruel, I know.  

  17. he wants you baaaaaadly

    but its your choice if you want to get back with him ._.

  18. Probably over thinking .Thats o.k. cause thats what women do.

  19. He's possibly asking you because like you, he is over you for the most part but he probably still thinks about you now and then.

  20. I dont know im sorry but it sounds like a question I'd ask... try asking him the same question

  21. Girl it means hes just been thinking about you.

  22. omg, my ex did that too, we werent very serious, but he still asked me that quesiton . some guys just do that, cuz it seems to them that your not over them . they wanna make themselves feel as though you need them more than they needed you . it is fine to answer that kidn of question, but it may not mean anything . if it is now a logn distance relationship, this is what he probably was thinking before he asked you the question :

    "ohh imma just ask her if shes over me .. i bet shes not, ( blahblah ) it wont hurt to ask anyways .. its not like i may ever see her soon . "

    thats a possibility,

    but no .. in my opinion, i do not think that it may mean anything, possibly he was just asking to be clear, or he was curious, or he just suddenly felt the need to know, since you guys were talking again.

    hope everything goes for the best,

                - cassie, <3

  23. Ok, well maybe he does really have feelings with you but isn't comfortable with himself trying to have a relationship with you again.  Or, he could just be stroking his ego.  Seeing that if he wanted you back, then he could have you.

    Take this one with a grain of salt. Don't settle for less than straight-up good intentions.  If he wants to be with you again, you will know it and definitely not have to question it.

  24. I think it does mean something and from a dudes view point I think he might have been looking for an ego boost.

    Sorry if this answer hurts you at all but a lot of guys do this sort of thing. If it did not work the first time , why would they work the second time ?  Move on don't let him play with you feelings any more....

  25. You are thinking too much about this.

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