
Why do Britain's hate Americans?

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  1. I think the rot started with Hollywood - saying how America won the war by itself.

  2. Americans are very OTT and loud, sorry!

  3. Wow - generalisation! I severely doubt that Every single Brit hates every single American, but if they did, then I guess you'd have to ask them individually.

  4. maybe because they steal everything britain has eg. big brother, americas got talent, american idol blah blah and even had the cheek to change their english (spelling of words) or maybe they just hate the fact that americans have better weather than britons lol

  5. Here we go again...

    We don't. A lot of people don't like America and its establishment but I think you'll find most Brits won't hate someone just because they're American.

    By the way, we're called Britons. "Britain's" would be something belonging to Britain. Sorry to be picky.

  6. I dont!!.......

    Americans Love british tho a bit too much! maybe we are just not returning the love.

  7. We don't. Well, I don't anyway. I love Americans!

  8. I think hate is too strong a word.  We make them the butt of our jokes in the same way they like to joke about us.  When the chips are down we're more friends than not.

  9. It used to be because they were over fed, over paid, over sexed and over here.

    Now I guess it has something to do with America's mind boggling ignorance of world affairs coupled with it's foreign policy.  

  10. Who likes the americans?

    Its not a matter with the american citizen its more a matter of America's attitude in their media and the way they approach international politics and that they think they know everything and they are always right.

  11. well i dont hate americans, i think your president is a complete ****. and just hearing him speak, makes my skin crawl. no one can say they hate a whole race,culture etc etc.  

  12. They don't hate us.Britains were one of the few countries that stepped up to the plate in time of war.They are more like cousins your don't see often but think kindly of.That doesn't mean they can't critique us once in awhile.Heck we critique ourselves.  

  13. When the h**l did we start hating Americans?

    Maybe George Bush YES!  but not the whole nation!

  14. They just hate America thinks it's got talent.

  15. some do, some don't

    Americans are seen as parochial and self obsessed - this is a general feeling throughout the world, not just in the UK

  16. They don't, it's just the anti-american bigots that sometime lurk here online that make it seem like it at times. I know many people in the UK and expats over here in the US that are quite fond of us. Don't think that it's's just fashionable to bash Americans - it's acceptable bigotry. But not universal by any means.

    Stereotyping any nationality and buying into the hype is a sign of a very weak mind.

  17. no offence, but if your American then you guys can be just as bad


    for the record, i like Americans

  18. I thought this website was a pretty interesting read...

  19. Most don't,but the ones that do,hate for two reasons.

    #1 jealousy

    #2 English people like strictness and proper English.Americans don't represent that.

  20. I don't hate americans. I do hate ignorance, though. We're not 'Britains', we're English, Scottish and Welsh. Briton's if you must, but I consider myself English.

  21. I don't hate you!  I don't hate anyone, really.  I'm quite easygoing!

  22. Mostly because of their use of superfluous apostrophes!

    and because they have a tendency to just be a little to over the top.

  23. I wouldnt say I hate Americans at all, they just make me cringe.

  24. Most Brits that I know remember the USA saving us from n**i domination and for the Marshal Plan after WW2.

  25. google anti americanism in Britain  

  26. i hate the ones i have met they put a bad name for the rest of america but i dont hate all of yous

  27. I dont hate americans, you guys make the best TV and films, gotta love that accent.

    Arent Americans derived from English settlers or something? they went and killed all the natives and all the Irish are in America now too, we dont have any irish people left!

    I'd love to go to road trip round America!

    Alex W, is that a joke?Apart from posh people, the youth in Britain talk street slang, there is a major urban culture in London and outside of London some accents I cant even understand!

  28. I like Americans. I just don't like the government because it thinks it can tell all the world what to do. That's all. Your country and you Americans are fine, it's just a shame about your government.

  29. We don't - personally I rarely give them a thought and since the vast majority never leave their own country I never meet any anyway.

  30. Mostly because of their use of superfluous apostrophes!

  31. you abandoned them, and had a civil war with them,  but nothing too bad...

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