
Why do Democrats express concern...?

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Why do Democrats express concern at Sarah Palin's "lack of experience" when she has more executive experience & commander-in-chief experience than their own Presidential (not VP) candidate?




  1. By that logic, McCain is less experienced than her too since he has never been a Governor.  

  2. They are concerned that their illusionist's expertise will be recognized as hallucinations. so they badmouth a true American with a record of performance:Sarah Palin.

  3. Stop the ignorance.  You look silly.  I have more experience, I have been co-chairman of my church's bingo night for the past ten years.

    Obama has been known entity for quite sometime.  The polls show no one is buying your party line about Palin.

  4. They express concern because the republicans express concern about Obama. It is not the experience that matters, it's what they did with the experience and how they plan to handle the issues thrown at them in the future. There are people within each party that are going to find things to try to bring down the other party. These people always seem to be the ones who get heard because it's human nature to believe the bad things instead of the good things. People need to stop basing their concerns on "experience" (neither of them have much) and base it on how they plan to change things. No matter what, things need to be changed and what matters is who's going to change things for the better.

  5. Because it was the Republicans that have been saying up to now that Obama doesn't have enough experience to be President. In other words, the Democrats are pointing out the hypocrisy of the Republicans.

  6. They're like an injured wolf lashing out without thinking about it.  Complete ignorance!! They need someone to give them their talking points.  But we caught them all off guard with Palin.  They'll just hang on to that until MSNBC gives them a rebuttal.

  7. What

  8. They have to drum up something against McCain/Palin as they have nothing of their own to fall back on.

  9.   Because how much executive experience someone has about as much relevance as how many hot dogs they can eat. Lincoln had none. Washington had none. Truman,Adams, Madison all had none.

       And some of the worst presidents did have executive experience. Jimmy Carter, Andrew Johnson, Calvin Coolidge, and probably George W in a few years.

      Presidents learn a lot on the job. There is not much else that compares to being the so called leader of the free world. A strong cabinet and advisors is much more important.

      Executive experience is a bunch of c**p from people who are already grasping at straws. They were running a campaign fueled by "not ready 2008" so now while there conjuring up a new strategy, they need something to distract the folks who had already fallen for the old one.


  10. They have a pattern of destroying women who seek high office, Hillary and Sarah is evidence of this.

  11. I've said it here before, but I learned many years ago that anything worth saying once is worth saying many times.  If "executive" experience and "commander-in-chief" experience are the most important qualifiers for a presidential candidate, Republicans need to flip their ticket right now, because Sarah Palin is qualified and McCain is not.

    I know you guys aren't into nuance of any kind, but you're gonna have to develop some kind of point system for comparing experience if you want Palin to have more than Obama.  Here's my proposed point system for comparing candidate's experience that weighs imporant factors.

    Two years as governor = 5 years in a state legislature.

    If you were governor of a state with a population smaller than 7 million, knock off 5 points.

    If your your state legislative service represented a major city, add 5 points.

    Two years as mayor = two years as a state legislator

    If you served as mayor of a city smaller than 250,000, knock off five points.

    One year as a state legislator = 3 years on a city council.

    If your city council service was in a city smaller than 250,000, knock off those three points.

    One year as a state legislator = 10 years as point guard of your high school basketball team.

    If you were a state legistlator who also played high school basketball, award 1 bonus point.

    One year in the U.S. Senate = one year as a governor.  See point penalty for governors of low-population states.

    If you were a U.S. Senator for a state with less than 7 million people, like say Arizona, assess 5 penalty points.  If you were a U.S. Senator for a state that is in the top 5 in population, like say Illinois, award 5 bonus points.

  12. Because their sexist and hate to see their poor excuse of a candidate upstaged.

  13. I haven't heard any Democrats criticizing Palin's lack of experience. Please cite that if you have heard it.

    What I have heard is that the pick of Palin confirms what they have been saying all along: that formal executive experience is not a pre-requisite to being qualified to serve. And now they know that McCain cannot refute that position.

  14. I'm not concerned.

    She'll never get to Washington.

  15. Good point.

    But try not to ask too many questions like this cuz it gets the democrats really really really really really really mad.


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