
Why do I feel this way?

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I've been going through depression lately and it's becuase I have the feeling I'm not talented and gifted. Sometimes I feel like I'm a stupid person because i'm a special ed. student and sometimes I feel worthless. I don't think I'm a gifted person and I remember back in elementary school the TAG students used to make fun of me and treat me like I'm a freak or call me stupid and I'm beginning to believe what they are saying. So why do i feel this way and I need some advice.




  1. Krystal, there is no shame in being in special ed. Needing special ed only means you learn differently, or have a medical problem that requires modifications. Even gifted children have IEP's, so do kids who have severe diseases (like diabetes), mental trouble (like depression/anxiety) or learning differences (learning disabilities, ADHD, autism etc.) The other kids; they tease because they do not understand. Educate them about your learning difference, and what it is like to have your unique challenges. I believe you said somewhere that you have Asperger's. Tell them everything you know about this type of autism. Tell them that people who have this type of Autism often have WAY above average Iqs. Tell them exactly what you receive through special ed and why. Then tell them what you are good at, and hold your head up high the whole time. Don't get depressed about it. If after all that, they still don't understand, then those kids are just ignorant, and not actually that intelligent (having a high IQ only means you are good at IQ tests, being intelligent means you understand the world and have matured to a point where you understand and love yourself just the way God created you). I know you are a christian. Remember, God wouldn't put more on your plate than you could handle. No matter how tough things get, God knows you can overcome them, and Jesus is right there with you. If you wanna talk, feel free to email me.

  2. i would like to Say some thing to you plz never thing bad about you its very big  negative point in your life first improve  this and than thing about your problems

  3. You are a very special person - like every single one of us. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. You should read the book "The gift of dyslexia", whether you are dyslexic or not. And you should remember that really intelligent people also have LD.

    And yes, you should go and see a counselor or a psychologist. Even if people at YA might make you temporarily feel better, there is nothing like person-to-person counseling.

    You are NOT stupid.

  4. idk, see a counseler

  5. Because you listen to other people.

    Ignore the snotty TAG kids, the world will teach them they aren't as smart as they think they are.

    Being in special ed doesn't mean you are stupid.  Really stupid people don't know the difference.  It means that you process information differently.  So you probably have an area of brilliance (art, math, music, drama, natural grace, etc) that doesn't neccesarily show up in school.  Find it and develop it.

  6. I wasn't in special ed, but I got made fun of all the time, it hurt a lot, but school can be an ugly place. You  have to keep going, you will make it and you will look back and realize you probably could have been having more fun if you would have just been ok with yourself, been ok with hanging out with whoever was there or even the adults that were around, been ok with being a loaner and enjoying books. I can't tell you how  important learning is and all the other stuff that seems so important is really not as important. The way you look, feel and act will change. I work in Special Education with cool kids that just have trouble controlling their emotions, some are slower, some are faster, some have good days some bad. Your in special education because you have a special need. You're not a freak, most of the people in the regular ed. classes have more problems than you can imagine. In special ed. you get special help for your needs. I know the name special ed. sucks and stupid kids try to make themselves feel better by teasing you, but you will get through this, one step at a time. Please hit me up if you ever want to talk more about it.

  7. It is relatively normal for you to feel this way at times.  No one appreciates rejection from their friends and others around them.  You must take what gifts and talents you have (even if you may not think you have many) and run with them.  Put them into play in your life as much as you can.  Try to learn new ones as well.  Don't let the words and actions of others get you down.  Know that you were made special and just the way that you should be, and have confidence in who you are and what you can do.  Be powerful.

    Often, others are simply looking for a way to make themselves feel better about the things that they think they are not good at, and so they look at someone that they feel is "lesser" than themselves.  Just know that you are not any "lesser" than they are and that you can do things they cannot just as they can do things you cannot.



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