
Why do I get light headed?

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Why do I get light headed?

Sometimes I get this feeling like my head is floating in air. It's not a bad feeling, it's a very relaxed feeling. Like a tingling sensation. I get it when I watch people sweep or mop a floor. These are just some examples. Other things also cause this feeling. My brother also gets this feeling, and my cousin for that matter. At least I know it's not just me. Does anyone else get it? Or does anyone know what it is called and why it happens?




  1. gettting up from a sitting postion too fast.

    when your older you CAN pass out and die. it happeneded to my uncle

  2. motion sickness or could be low blood pressure


    i have nooo idea what it is... but its like really relaxing haha

  4. Sometimes when I sit in front of a computer to long i feel like I'm floating in space and my body is tipping forward even though I'm sitting straight up.

    It's fun =D I love my body ^.^

  5. hi it could be many things but i also get it and it is because i have low blood pressure x

  6. This sometimes happens to me. I have had episodes of fainting before when I get lightheaded, and that is usually because i do not have enough sugar or salt. When you get lightheaded, you should probably drink some water or Gatorade drink such as gatorade. You might also want to sit down for a while and rest your head. If this problem comes back more and more often, you should probably see a neurologist. I hope I helped! Good luck!

  7. i dont think its technically called anything. you just get light headed when a medeocre activity is happening. it's like when a person yawns because of the lack of activity pending on the body. your body is just starving to do something. try some exercise.

  8. stop smoking the ganja

  9. It could be because upi are focusing on something far away that is making your eyes move in small circles. and that is causing you to almost feel tired.

    bc you look and feel very relaxed.  

  10. Well Tony- Do you smoke? if so try some tobacco instead of pot..PS dont forget to share with your brother and cuz..

  11. you may be dehydridated.

  12. Motion sickness. Try getting something for it.

    (just my opinion)

  13. sometimes i get it, but just when i don't eat enough or have exercised too much. but, it might run in the family and be a hereditary desiese, if you get it a lot, i'd say to have it checked out.

  14. anxiety neurosis ,

  15. You need to drink more.  

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