
Why do I over analyze everything?

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I've had this habit for years. Like when I finish talking to people, I start thinking about things that maybe I should have not said, or that I could have said better. How do I get rid of this miserable habit?




  1. i have the same problem, but i have discovered that most of the times it happens simply because i care too much about other people.  You are imagining things that probably the other person didnt even notice.  The easiest solution to it is to start thinking a little bit about yourself, relax a little bit, think about you first and then about everybody else. If you do say something that left you uncomfortable, well, everybody makes mistakes just try not to make it on the future, dont go dreaming about changing the past.  Im not talking selfishness, its just that to help others, you must first help yourself.

  2. I have the same habit I just try to take a deep breath and ealize I am not living in the present with my constant thoughts about what i did, what some one else said, if it is true, or how it can be played out another way. I realize that some times over analyzing makes me unhappy and decided to practice at living in the present and not in the future and past. Take it one day at a time.

  3. I don't know but once you figure it out let me know!!!!  

  4. All and all, it seems to be a lack of confidence, self confidence especially.

    I am usually the same way, especially right now because I'm under-confident especially in myself.

    I have hard times making split decisions to begin with because I'm worried about the effects of it.

    It changes over time as you build yourself as a person and build your character (For the social part)

  5. Over analyzing over and over is called rumination, it is a sign of anxiety. Not everyone who has an anxiety problem has sweaty palms, racing heart, or difficulty breathing, though you can have all those symptoms as well.

    If you feel that this is really making life difficult, seek help with therapy, maybe meds, or better yet both, or something like yoga or biofeedback.

    I'm a ruminater as well, but meds and therapy, help turn down my brain.

  6. The reason you did it in the past is because you realized it was very helpful in solving problems but you didn't realize the problems it causes until now. Critical thinking is important. But sometimes you just have to act when you don't have all the facts. Because ironically... you will PROBABLY be better off acting than letting opportunity pass you by when there is really little chance that you could actually use the additional information  to gain more.

    Think about it. But not too much.

  7. I used to be that way.  It's a sign of insecurity and lack of confidence, but you can change.  I did.  I don't do that any more.  It slows you down, but now I don't have time to think like that.  Jesus Christ delivered me from many things.  I still have things to work on though.  God bless you.

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